Carb Cycling


New member
ok i just have a question... who thinks carb cycling is a good method of losing body fat? also, what is the best pre workout and postworkout meal and how much time should you wait after you eat to work out and how much time should you want before you eat after you workout...????
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carb cycling works fine, but so does eating under maintenence for many weeks/months.

good preworkout meal is high protein, high complex carb, low fat, and a little fruit.

good postworkout meal is high protein, high carb (some recommend simple carbs, but im out of dextrose/maltodextrin right now and have been using ground up oatmeal for the past few months with no ill effects), low fat

i usually have about 45 minutes to an hour inbetween the time i finish eating and i start working out. I starting drinking my PWO shake when im done working out.
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