Carb/Protein Question....

Miss Muscle

New member
Would a protein source with fibrous veggie (spinach, broccoli, radishes, grean beans, pepper, cuc, etc) be counted as a carb/protein meal?

What about a not fibrous veggie such as corn or carrots? I've been eating lots of meals with protein and fibrous veggies, but I want something more like a scoop of PB or a real carb like ezekiel bread or brown rice. Yes? No?
I'm think that you subtract the fiber from the total carb count, for net carbs.
IE: Total carb 10 / Fiber 5 = 5 net carb total
Okay here is my take

If your eating a protein source and "most" green fibrous vegtables then no it is not a carb source.

HOWEVER if you are eating say peas, carrots, corn, ect especially if its in a large enough quantity then yes absolutely.