Carbohydrates ? plz lsort this out for me !


Allmost Good Looking
Hi all !

I was wondering witch carbs that are best ?
if YOU know, then plz sort out theese foods in order !
...meaning, plz list the food witch has the highest nutritional value as nummer 1, and so on..

patatoes, pasta, rice, bread, oatmeal...

feel free to add some !

Thx in advance.
Green888 :)
The glycemic index defines how much insulin a carb releases related to glucose. Glucose is set to 100 which is one of the carbs that releases the highest amount of insulin.

wholemeal pasta: GI 53
Oatmeal: GI 70
Sweet potatoe: GI 70
Brown rice: GI 79

The GI table can vary depending on what has been set as the reference, some GI tables uses white bread as the reference. The important thing is that we can see the relation between the
different carbs. I don´t pay to much attention to the GI table but it can be a good reference if your not sure wheter the carb is complex or not. A complex carb should have an index at ~70.
yeah thx sparkly...but i just wanted to know, witch of the foods i mention is the best carb. source, and #2, #3 and so forth...

From the lists you link to its kinda hard to tell, what the best overall carb. food are, considering vitamins, protein in the foods too !

What i was looking fore was a TOP5 (or more) of the most nutritional carbohydrate sources. :)
(from a bodybuilders perspective) :)
Green888 said:

What i was looking fore was a TOP5 (or more) of the most nutritional carbohydrate sources. :)
(from a bodybuilders perspective) :)

and again, that would be at the top of the page in the sticky.

you really should sign up at - the nutritional info for nearly every food out there is listed there and you can make sure your ratios are spot on!
ok then, sry !

but let me ask in another way !?

What is YOUR favorite carb. source ?

thx for helping me out people ! :)