Carbs Too High. Help Critique Diet


New member
So I've bulked plenty of times, and not dirty bulking either. But every time I do tend to have a little more fat than I want. so this time i've decided to extra carefully calculate everything. I've switch 2% to Skim to even lower my chances of putting on too much bf. But At the end i'm left with 45/36/18 carb/prot/fat (decimals of course). Any advice on low carb high protein foods besides cottage cheese, meats, chicken, fish, powders? I'm talking enough of a gap between the protein and the carbs to make a difference. Not like 7g carbs and 8g protein. Thank you. Also I have taken out vegetable and it lowered the carbs as well. How important are vegetables while taking a multi vita?
It's not the food you eat that caused you to be fat (although you should eat nutritious foods), but rather the excess calories. I would get 1.5x your BW in protein, .4-.5g of fat/lb of BW, and fill the rest with carbs and work from there. If you gained too much fat, lower the calories. Do a 250 calorie surplus, as that will add ~.5lbs/week (3500 cals is a lb of BW), and hopefully most of that will be muscle. I don't see vegetables as important as people make them out to be if you're taking a good multivitamin, but it's still good to get some fresh greens in.

I think your putting too much into the macro split. As stated above take your mainatance calorie number and add to gain and subtract to cut. If you're gaining too much fat in a "bulk" generally speaking its one of two things 1) calorie count is off or 2) the food is not clean or is high in short carbs and/or being combined with fats.