Cardio Question


Fat Kid
I didnt know whether this belonged here or not...........but anyway.........
What can I do for cadio to make it less boring and feel like work? I just despise it so much......but I know its the only way to lean out. thanks!
It seems like, as a person gets better in their cardio routine, they enjoy it more. I used to hate running. Several years ago I was so out of shape that I could hardly run a block without having to stop. 6 months later, I was addicted. But then I got married and now I hate running again. ;)

I'm trying to figure out this cardio thing myself, actually. So far, rollerblading is the only thing I've found that I look forward to doing.
Can you take it to the track? Do things like bleachers and sprints. Can you play racquetball? Off road mountain biking. Soccer.
I got a cheap air of walmart blades yesterday.....dont bother you gotta get good ones. I miss rollerblading myself. Running sucks period. Hehe
My favorite form of cardio is mountain biking, love getting off road and into the hills, trails and mountains here. I like to set a specific "track" that I've measured for distance and then time myself for completing, obviously always trying to beat my best time. The best is when the legs are burning during hills or long straightaways, then I envision I'm doing single leg presses through the pedals - what a pump!
G2 said:
I got a cheap air of walmart blades yesterday.....dont bother you gotta get good ones. I miss rollerblading myself. Running sucks period. Hehe
Yeah, I have some cheap ones I bought at WalMart years back. They suck, but the "good" blades sure do cost a lot. Ridiculous. Dell can sell you a whole computer for $ way should a pair of rollerblades cost nearly as much.

'tensity: yeah, biking is good. I should do that.