cardio question


New member
i have been doing cardio now for the last month trying to cut i do my usual work out about 45minutes one muscle group then do 35 minutes of cardio right after keeping my heart rate at or above 165-175 i burn about 5 to 600 calories in about 35 minutes my question is would i see better results slowing down the heart rate to like 130 or so the fat buring zone they call it .. for 30 to 45 minutes or is it better to have the heart rate up higher
do it first thing in the morning when glycogen stores are empty and there is mostly fat to burn for energy, also if you cant keep precise track of your heart rate a trick i learned was you should be able to talk while doing your cardio, but you should be kind of stuttering i geuss you would call it, like breathing heavy while talking. if you can speak clear you're not going hard enough, if you cant really hold up a conervsation drop it down a few notches.
slugg said:
i have been doing cardio now for the last month trying to cut i do my usual work out about 45minutes one muscle group then do 35 minutes of cardio right after keeping my heart rate at or above 165-175 i burn about 5 to 600 calories in about 35 minutes my question is would i see better results slowing down the heart rate to like 130 or so the fat buring zone they call it .. for 30 to 45 minutes or is it better to have the heart rate up higher

This is one big run on sentence. No punctuation. I hate that !!!
cman81 said:
Got his point across didn't he? I didn't know we were bing marked on this.

He got his point across to a lot less people. I'm w/ TwinTowers on this one. If I see a big run on sentance that looks like kldjgolidahgl'ksdnalkguhsad;lfknaskjdhglasdf w/ no punctuation it makes it impossible to read. So therefore I won't even read it, and maybe I might have the exact answer that the poster needs.