casein ( micellar etc ): grandpa's goodie 1950's


New member
I think most will know.
Others who don't, may listen.
All this hype about CASEIN ( whether or not enhanced with star trek sounding attributes such as "micellar " ) is all but HYPE.
In fact, this protein is basically what your grandparents were using back in the 1950's & 60's: milk protein rich in allergy triggering lactose, denaturated fractions etc.
To be honest, Rheo Blair ( the nutritionist of the stars, given credit by the likes of Gironda, Larry Scott & countless others ) thought lactose had anabolic powers, hence he instructed his students to indulge in lactose packed protein.
He was also convinced FAT had anabolic power & could activate proteins to trigger muscle growth.
Hence he suggested indulging in cream etc.

The "precipitates" now touted as casein's "miracles" are just what'd give many heartburn.
Left-overs sitting in your system undigested for a long time.

If one REALLY wants to try it, then seek some 1980's MILK PROTEIN, not isolates, not concentrates.
There are companies that still produce it, AT A FRACTION OF THE COST compared to hyped " bedtime" casein.

I personally ( lactose intolerant ) use aminoacid tablets ( pharm grade ) during the night & i'm fine.
You seem to insinuate that fat does not have anabolic properties. That is far from the truth.

What is the problem with lactose if you don't have a problem digesting it? It also seems that fat with the lactose (whole milk vs. skim) helps slow the digetion of lactose, making it more managable to the body.

If the casein is processed properly I don't see why it would be bad.

Besides, you can get casein from milk, cottage cheese, and any other cheese.

Either that or just eat some meat :p The good thing about milk, cottage cheese and other cheeses is that they are extremely rich in calcium.
ham said:
To be honest, Rheo Blair ( the nutritionist of the stars, given credit by the likes of Gironda, Larry Scott & countless others ) thought lactose had anabolic powers, hence he instructed his students to indulge in lactose packed protein.
He was also convinced FAT had anabolic power & could activate proteins to trigger muscle growth.
Hence he suggested indulging in cream etc.

Good post Frosty, to add to it, Rheo WAS right about FAT activating growth factors. What he was referring to: FAT protects growth factors
(IGF) found in milk, and allows them to pass into the intestinal tract
and be absorbed properly. No fat, no IGF absorption.

I alway have casein in my protein blends.
you missed my point completely.
P R I C E.
you may buy oldtimes' milk protein & get the same product at a fraction of the cost.
I wasn't "insinuating" anything, otherwise i would have left the part about Rheo Blair out.
As well, the hype surrounding casein is totally made up.
ham said:
you missed my point completely.
P R I C E.
you may buy oldtimes' milk protein & get the same product at a fraction of the cost.
I wasn't "insinuating" anything, otherwise i would have left the part about Rheo Blair out.
As well, the hype surrounding casein is totally made up.

Oh, ok, sorry I misunderstood. Lots of hype with most supplemens :D I still say real food is the best source for it, anyway. And casein definitely isn't magical...some meat before bed would have the same effect (slow digesting protein).
the only point here is industry CONMEN would makeyou pay 45 bucks for a glass of water...
I mean it's all good but casein used to be popular 30 years ago & now they resurrect it as the "breakthroughest" supplement!
Does casein have anti catabolic properties? Also just because it was invented 50 years ago and brought back doesnt mean its hype maybe they didnt have the technology to go in depth research. Just like, are eggs bad? Its gone both ways for years.
benson4444 said:
Does casein have anti catabolic properties? Also just because it was invented 50 years ago and brought back doesnt mean its hype maybe they didnt have the technology to go in depth research. Just like, are eggs bad? Its gone both ways for years.

Casein is just milk protein and it's good because it takes a long time to digest. In this way, it is anti-catabolic. 30g can have blood amino acid levels elevated for over 8 hours. Casein isn't magic, though. Meat does the same thing.
What i meant was Metrx. Metrx has casein and it has metamyosin in it. Have you heard of metamyosin and is that anti catabolic. Also, isnt whey protein derived from milk also? Just curious.
benson4444 said:
What i meant was Metrx. Metrx has casein and it has metamyosin in it. Have you heard of metamyosin and is that anti catabolic. Also, isnt whey protein derived from milk also? Just curious.

No clue about the first question, but yes, whey is made from milk. It's the liquid that you get when you make cheese. Or if you open up yogurt and there's liquid - that's whey.

Milk is about 80% casein and 20% whey.
what i meant was if you had heard of metamyosin? Its the protein used in Met Rx protein. Its a combo of casein and whey.
benson4444 said:
what i meant was if you had heard of metamyosin? Its the protein used in Met Rx protein. Its a combo of casein and whey.

If it has casein in it, then yeah, it would be anti-catabolic. However, you would have to take enough to get at least 30g of casein if you want to take it before bed.
what i meant was if you had heard of metamyosin? Its the protein used in Met Rx protein. Its a combo of casein and whey.

i remember.
i think it's just a trademark or ad catchy name.
there are are other vendors branding mixes in their products with fancy names.
This without implying new molecules or else compounds are being used.
dr. Connelly was in fact an...anaesthesiologist!!!!
Ages ago Dymat!ze branded "cottein" cottonseed isolate.
It was supposed to be the best thing since H bomb...lasted a few weeks though.

doesnt mean its hype maybe they didnt have the technology to go in depth research

my point is not this; it's PRICE.
if you want casein, so be it.
buy some unheard of MILK PROTEIN brand & pay 1/4 price.

You gotta hand it to Rheo Blair

the only problem is intolerance.
I am lactose intolerant hence i'd just waste lactose packed protein in the toilet.
As a result ( bloating, cramps, diarrhea etc ) i could never benefit from the product as i'd never absorb it.
ham, since you're lactose-intolerant, I'd like to ask you something.

Is there any difference in tolerance between whole milk and skim milk for you?

The reason I ask is that some people have seen this with themselves, and I think it's just the fat in the whole milk slowing the digestion, giving the body more time to digest the lactose.
I COULD drink gallons of milk IF I USED lactase enzyme pills.
I have done it when i was in MTL & tap water had to be filter to get a good taste ( in Moncton it tasted like poison ).
No difference.
1-2% milk or whole milk would need plenty of supplied lactase.
Which would NOT work with LACTOSE PACKED PROTEIN.
I could see no benefit adding lactase to it: cramps, bloating etc.
Hence i think i'm better off with an isolate ( no problems at all ).