CEE and waxy maize


New member
would i be best off sticking with cee or plain jane monohydrate when using WM as a post workout shake. from what i can gather cee is more rapidly absorbed then monohydrate but would this simply cancel out when WM is added.

does CEE have any positive or negative effects when added with WM>
I would take your WMS immediately after your workout, then 20 mins later take your post workout supplements and shake.

Don't buy monohydrate. Pick up some CEE (I use TrueProtein) and cap it yourself, or just throw the powder in your mouth. It is sour, so be ready.
but easto from my understanding it take roughly 1-2hrs for your digestive system to break down the capsule so in essence your bodies not recieve it til later down the track....correct me if im wrong but dont u want it straight away
as i understand it caps are water soluble so they break down quickly. by the time you finish warming up what is in your caps should begin to be absorbed.