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Blood? Is the blood from young virgins and the blood transfuses youth? It's definitely know secret that these guys are using steroids, growth etc. Hugh Jackman maintains an insane physique, Marky Mark is actually kind of soft, but biggish. The Rock's physique was ridiculously awesome in Pain and Gain.

If you worked in an industry that is built on looks and youth most people would be injecting every thing they possibly could to stay looking young, feeling good, and stay in as good of shape as possible.
if you're talking to me the answer is no it is absolutely not a surprise to me, I just found it very interesting that someone actually came out with some solid info about it.

How come no one mentions the poor children where they get the young virgin blood, AND is this legal? How do they get the blood? Sick people...off with their heads...
How come no one mentions the poor children where they get the young virgin blood, AND is this legal? How do they get the blood? Sick people...off with their heads...

My guess is that the blood they're injecting is more than likely platelet-enriched plasma which has been used to help heal different things. The reason being is that platelets have a high concentration of Thymosin Beta 4 better known as TB500 which is great for healing. I don't know if this is exactly what they're doing but logically would make sense. I wonder if the same results could be gotten from injecting TB500 directly into the face.