Whats up fellas....I recently just went to a local supplement store and picked up 2lbs of musclemilk and a 1lb of cell-tech, but now it looks like I may have gotten two conflicting products. Can I take both at the same time or if not, which one is better to take. Im looking more to put on more muscle and get more cut. Since I last posted on here, my diet is 100X better than before and im staying away from oils and saturated fats.
Btw....musclemilk instructs one shake before and one while working out, and one after working out, and one prior to bedtime.
While Cell-Tech instructs to drink one in the morning and after working out during the load period (5 days). Then after that loading period, you are to take one serving after working out, and if you arent working out that day, take one in the AM.
Btw....musclemilk instructs one shake before and one while working out, and one after working out, and one prior to bedtime.
While Cell-Tech instructs to drink one in the morning and after working out during the load period (5 days). Then after that loading period, you are to take one serving after working out, and if you arent working out that day, take one in the AM.