Cheating on your diet.....


New member
I've been on the Ideal Protein diet now for six weeks and I've lost a total of 38 pounds so far. I'm close to where I wanna be. What I wanna know is how often do you guys cheat? I'm gonna stay eating healthy so I don't get back like I was but I do wanna enjoy something not healthy every once in a while. One day a week? One meal a week? Once a month?
My trainer actually just informed me that i should not be enjoying my cheat days, that its ok to have a high calorie meal (cheat meal) once every 2 weeks....wich is doable...but also remember, if your putting in the work then feel free to enjoy yourself man...if your cheat meal is 700-1000 calories or what ever...then bust ass in the gym to balance that out.....that doesnt mean cheat all the time and work out harder cuz that will get old quick.
That sounds about right. I planned on cheating once every week or every other week. My diet teaches me that if you eat bad, then the next day not to take in any carbs or sugars because your body will burn that first and the stuff from yesterday will be stored as fat. I definitely won't be eating bad 2 days in a row.
Are you on a diet because you are training and trying to get your body in a certain shape or form or are you just trying to lose some poundage because you are not where you would like to be goal wise?

The reason i ask is because i believe if you are training and trying to sculpt your body (for competition or whatever) then you shouldnt cheat at all, you are on a diet for a reason.

If you are like me and learning how to eat healthier and for life....then you arent on a DIET at all, you are re-training your mind how to eat properly....and lets face one is going to go there entire life eating fish and veggies for every meal...sometimes in life we splurge and thats ok in MODERATION!