I cheat one day per week and only for one meal and that meal has to be done and in the gut no later than 5pm. My cheat consists of still eating clean but upping my caloric intake of the same foods and adding some simple and/or complex carbs in the form of very little bread and nuts and potatoe. My last cheat day/meal went like this. Handful of shelled peanuts, one baked sweet potatoe (wit butter), 1/2 chicken baked skinless, rice pilaf, steamed veggies, some beans, one dinner roll, 6oz rare grilled piece of steak, no sauce. Water with lemon as the drink. The other days of the week lok like this;
8am-8 eggs 6 whites and 1or2 yolks 1cup plain oatmeal.(if I work out b4 10 no oatmeal if after 10 oatmeal)
10am-50gm protien shake
12:30pm-boneless skinless steamed/boiled chicken veggies and steamed rice
3:30pm-50gm protien shake 2 rice cakes
6pm-Same as 12:30 but veggies only no rice
9pm-50gm protien shake
Daily consume 1-2 gallons of water. No carbs after 5pm
Very lean Ground Beef
Very lean Steak
ON Jan 1, 2005 I weighed almost 360 at 6'1", as of this post I am 310. I have kept and put on lean muscle tissue while cutting the fat from my body. I am currently stuck at 310 but am shooting for 250-260lb by June 1, 2005. Then I will start to bulk up again. Quitting is not an option.