

Alleged Fatass!
Now when you guys have a cheat day, do you just eat a bit bad and not really horrible, or do just get staraight nasty and just eat everything in sight for one day? Today I decided to just say fuck it and just eat anything and everything I want, Ive already have had like 3 bowls of ceral and some cornbread and an Sausage McMuffin today and I still got the night left.
Usually I just plan a cheat meal. Nothing insane. Just something I've been really wanting and craving. I'm perfectly happy just being able to have a bowl of mac n' cheese. :)
Depends, usually just one meal and nothing crazy for that one meal. Maybe like a huge burger(no fries though!!!) or some pizza. I have been known to binge all day though but I try not to do that because it's hard to get back on the wagon after you've seen the dark side!!!
I let loose the whole day. Some people are happy with one meal a week. I can't handle that.

As long as you're keeping up w/ your cardio, not cheating any other day, and not stepping on stage, you shouldn't have to worry.
STANG 98 said:
I let loose the whole day. Some people are happy with one meal a week. I can't handle that.

As long as you're keeping up w/ your cardio, not cheating any other day, and not stepping on stage, you shouldn't have to worry.
Thats how I feel. I agree with you Big Guy :wink2:
If it's nothing more targeted than weight control, just make sure that your output through exercise increases with your intake. Easier said than done, I know but that really is the only answer.
I cheat one day per week and only for one meal and that meal has to be done and in the gut no later than 5pm. My cheat consists of still eating clean but upping my caloric intake of the same foods and adding some simple and/or complex carbs in the form of very little bread and nuts and potatoe. My last cheat day/meal went like this. Handful of shelled peanuts, one baked sweet potatoe (wit butter), 1/2 chicken baked skinless, rice pilaf, steamed veggies, some beans, one dinner roll, 6oz rare grilled piece of steak, no sauce. Water with lemon as the drink. The other days of the week lok like this;

8am-8 eggs 6 whites and 1or2 yolks 1cup plain oatmeal.(if I work out b4 10 no oatmeal if after 10 oatmeal)

10am-50gm protien shake

12:30pm-boneless skinless steamed/boiled chicken veggies and steamed rice

3:30pm-50gm protien shake 2 rice cakes

6pm-Same as 12:30 but veggies only no rice

9pm-50gm protien shake

Daily consume 1-2 gallons of water. No carbs after 5pm
Very lean Ground Beef
Very lean Steak

ON Jan 1, 2005 I weighed almost 360 at 6'1", as of this post I am 310. I have kept and put on lean muscle tissue while cutting the fat from my body. I am currently stuck at 310 but am shooting for 250-260lb by June 1, 2005. Then I will start to bulk up again. Quitting is not an option.
Popichulo said:
Now when you guys have a cheat day, do you just eat a bit bad and not really horrible, or do just get staraight nasty and just eat everything in sight for one day? Today I decided to just say fuck it and just eat anything and everything I want, Ive already have had like 3 bowls of ceral and some cornbread and an Sausage McMuffin today and I still got the night left.

i also take entire day to munch :)
i eat anything and i think my parrots can feel when im on rampage and they just hide somewhere so i dont mistake them with something edible :).
just do cardio and no biggie
i dont know about anyone else, but ill go nuts just eating everything in sight.... il hit up the dollar menus at the fast food resturants, get like 6 double cheeseburgers. my cheat days always turn into 2 or 3 days
I too take cheat DAYS not cheat meals. I pig out on anything and everything to the point where for the next 6 days the thought of doughnuts(my fav) makes me sick!
I usually do one cheat meal a week. I like to hit up the Chinese Buffet, or maybe get some pizza.

But I don't get too crazy, if I'm out to dinner or at a family gathering, I'll eat reasonably well. I used to pack a cooler, with chicken breasts and egg whites, and bring that where ever I went. But that gets old, plus I'm not competing, so that was a bit excessive.
I just each a cheat meal. I probably could do a whole cheat day, but I wind up feeling bloated and I feel like shit cuz I ate too much. I just have one lunch of whatever I want then Im good.
i get home on friday nights at like 2 after sittn in a parkin lot and cruzin the drag up and down all night and throwin a football around cuz their was nothin to do and its an hour to any kind of club or bar (live in small texas town) so i eat a whole tombstone pizza........fuckin good as hell or git some taco beuno and drink a case of bud light or lonestar. and go my ass to sleep. its strange too cuz i always wake up feelin pritty lean on saturday mornin.