Check My Cycle


New member
Going to run a cycle of Hdrol for 6 weeks and would like some advice on how my stack is laid out to check and see if I am missing anything. I will also do a log on this for other curious bout HDrol. Also diet is 3100-3400 calories very high protein and high carb with small about of cardio 20 mins two days a week very low intensity.

First two weeks prior to Hdrol < Preloading Hawthorn berries and Liv-52

First week of HDrol<Hawthorn berries,Live-52, Fish Oil 6 caps ,HDrol 50mg
Second week of Hdrol<Hawthorn berries,Liv-52, Fish Oil 6 caps, Hdrol 75mg
Third week of Hdrol<Hawthorn berries,Liv-52, Fish Oil 6 caps, Hdrol 75mg
Fourth week of Hdrol<Hawthorn berries,Liv-52, Fish Oil 6 caps, Hdrol 75mg
Fifth week of Hdrol<Hawthorn berries,Liv-52, Fish Oil 6 caps, Hdrol 75mg
Sixth week of Hdrol<Hawthorn berries,Liv-52, Fish Oil 6 caps, Hdrol 75mg

For PCT running 4 weeks of nolva.

Any advice on this cycle would be great! Thanks everyone
Looks like a solid first cycle bro. Make sure you get plenty of sleep and train hard. Results should start showing in weeks 3-4.
Just to be correct the PCT is started the day HDrol ends correct?

Example last intake of Hdrol 75mg is on Sunday, Nolva should be started Monday with directed dosgae correct?
Hoping this cycle of Hdrol above will put a good 10 pounds of muscle on me. After I finish my post cycle therapy (pct) I plan to lean out very slowly. Anyone have any tips or suggestions to this?