Check out my shake! What you all think?


Informed Member
16oz. Milk
1 cup cottage cheese
2 tblsp peanut butter
2 scoops whey
3 tblsp olive oil
1 scoop carbo hit (carb powder)

It all works out to about 1300+ calories. I just made it so I have some adjusting to do and I'm sure some of you will make them! Taste damn good though. The peanut butter kinda takes over the taste but a nice blend! Tell me what you think. Figured it was good for hardgainers!
What's carb hit? Is it some type of simple carb, like Dextrose? If it is, I would leave that out and sub in some type of complex carb such as Oatmeal.

One more thing, I'm not a big fan of mixing lots of carbs and fats into each meal. Personally I like to consume one or the other, but its up to you. Protein+carbs, or protein+fat.
I definately agree Not a big fan of mixing Lots of fats and carbs and your shake is loaded with both fats and worse most likely simple carbs and just as bad milk sugar.

I personally would advise staying away from this mix

Cakalac said:
16oz. Milk
1 cup cottage cheese
2 tblsp peanut butter
2 scoops whey
3 tblsp olive oil
1 scoop carbo hit (carb powder)

It all works out to about 1300+ calories. I just made it so I have some adjusting to do and I'm sure some of you will make them! Taste damn good though. The peanut butter kinda takes over the taste but a nice blend! Tell me what you think. Figured it was good for hardgainers!
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If you are a hardgainer its nice to be able to get 1300 Cals from a shake, but you also have to look and see where the calories are coming from.

Why don't you try and make a Protein + Carb Shake as well as a Protein + Fat shake.

There are endless possibilities, you just have to experiment with different ingredients.
I would have to agree with Easto about the oatmeal. first thing in the
morning when i wake up for some reason i can not eat a whole meal
so i always make a shake like this... 10oz skim milk,2 scoops whey a
little peanutbutter, 1 bannana, 3 ice cubes and 1/2 cup oatmeal and
blend. and then, an hour later iam ready for a whole meal.
but if you like that shake and it helps you put on some weight then
go for it bro :)
Easto said:
What's carb hit? .

It is 100% complex carbs! It's made from high quality grains. I got this info off the bucket! I could substitute in oats I guess.
DirkMoneyshot said:
bad milk sugar.

I thought you guys say drink 1 gallon of milk/day. What is the difference in adding in 16oz. of milk to my shake?

I'm not disagreeing w/ any of you, just trying to make sure I'm understanding what you all are relating!
If you're a hardgainer, you don't really have to worry about milk sugar and mixing carbs with fats unless you're cutting
Definately not cutting. Trying to put on mass and a little BF would not hurt me! I would like to see 170 by the summer. Been 165 before. I am currently 148. I think I can do it!
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Bimmer said:
keep eating, lol. How did you drop to 148 from 165?

I had done a few cycles out of high school and got to 165, new nothing about post cycle therapy (pct) and then quit working out for 2yrs. and was only eating 3 meals a day and getting probably 1700 calories. Just basically gave up on the whole body thing for 2 yrs. partied w/ buddies and had a good time but lost everything and blew a bunch of money! Thankfully I found a site like this one so I can educate myself and do things right! I feel like I have good shape genetics I just have to pack on the mass!
Me Personally i don't like including a lot of dairy in my clients programs. Some yes but not as much as your indicating... you have Cottage Cheese, Milk, Whey protein...Ect

Some might disagree but thats how i do things.

Cakalac said:
I thought you guys say drink 1 gallon of milk/day. What is the difference in adding in 16oz. of milk to my shake?

I'm not disagreeing w/ any of you, just trying to make sure I'm understanding what you all are relating!
So Dirk, would you maybe leave out the milk and just use water instead or leave out the cottage cheese?
I'd cut down on the Fat first. Cut out the 3 tbsp. of Olive Oil. You should be just fine then.

Ideally you'd be better off trying to double up on your meals with clean foods.