Hi there everybody,
So yes I've been diagnosed with primary hypogonadism and have been prescribed TRT (UK).
Blood test date: 21/08/2017
These tests were before starting treatment:
Serum Oestradiol level - 94 pmol/ L - (range) 50.00 -218.00 pmol/L
Serum FSH level - 2 iu/ L -
(range) 2.00 - 12.00iu/L
Lutenising Hormone - 10 iu/L
(range) 2.00 - 9.00iu/L
Serum Testostrone - 8.8 nmol/L - (range) 8.60 - 29.00nmol/L
Serum TSH level - 1.87 Mu/L - (range) 0.27-4.20mu/L
Sustanon250 - 65mg twice weekly
Anastrozole - 0.25 three times a week
HCG - 250iu Twice weekly
Ive taken my first jab of Sustanon250 on Monday, I felt like some chemistry was changing. At night I got really hot and a weird taste in my mouth. Is this normal? I've been advised to shoot the sustanon and hcg sub-Q.
I've not yet injected HCG as I'm overthinking and fearing I maybe drawing up the hcg incorrectly. I have read 3js thread on HCg, which has clarified the majority of my concerns.
Now.. Can someone explain to me how much bacteristatic water I mix with the 1500iu hcg ampule to get 250iu when injecting?
Thanks in advance,
PS anyone in the uk on a similar protocol?
So yes I've been diagnosed with primary hypogonadism and have been prescribed TRT (UK).
Blood test date: 21/08/2017
These tests were before starting treatment:
Serum Oestradiol level - 94 pmol/ L - (range) 50.00 -218.00 pmol/L
Serum FSH level - 2 iu/ L -
(range) 2.00 - 12.00iu/L
Lutenising Hormone - 10 iu/L
(range) 2.00 - 9.00iu/L
Serum Testostrone - 8.8 nmol/L - (range) 8.60 - 29.00nmol/L
Serum TSH level - 1.87 Mu/L - (range) 0.27-4.20mu/L
Sustanon250 - 65mg twice weekly
Anastrozole - 0.25 three times a week
HCG - 250iu Twice weekly
Ive taken my first jab of Sustanon250 on Monday, I felt like some chemistry was changing. At night I got really hot and a weird taste in my mouth. Is this normal? I've been advised to shoot the sustanon and hcg sub-Q.
I've not yet injected HCG as I'm overthinking and fearing I maybe drawing up the hcg incorrectly. I have read 3js thread on HCg, which has clarified the majority of my concerns.
Now.. Can someone explain to me how much bacteristatic water I mix with the 1500iu hcg ampule to get 250iu when injecting?
Thanks in advance,
PS anyone in the uk on a similar protocol?