Checking in with my TRT protocol


New member
Hi there everybody,

So yes I've been diagnosed with primary hypogonadism and have been prescribed TRT (UK).

Blood test date: 21/08/2017

These tests were before starting treatment:

Serum Oestradiol level - 94 pmol/ L - (range) 50.00 -218.00 pmol/L
Serum FSH level - 2 iu/ L -
(range) 2.00 - 12.00iu/L
Lutenising Hormone - 10 iu/L
(range) 2.00 - 9.00iu/L
Serum Testostrone - 8.8 nmol/L - (range) 8.60 - 29.00nmol/L
Serum TSH level - 1.87 Mu/L - (range) 0.27-4.20mu/L

Sustanon250 - 65mg twice weekly
Anastrozole - 0.25 three times a week
HCG - 250iu Twice weekly

Ive taken my first jab of Sustanon250 on Monday, I felt like some chemistry was changing. At night I got really hot and a weird taste in my mouth. Is this normal? I've been advised to shoot the sustanon and hcg sub-Q.

I've not yet injected HCG as I'm overthinking and fearing I maybe drawing up the hcg incorrectly. I have read 3js thread on HCg, which has clarified the majority of my concerns.

Now.. Can someone explain to me how much bacteristatic water I mix with the 1500iu hcg ampule to get 250iu when injecting?

Thanks in advance,

PS anyone in the uk on a similar protocol?
Some stats not sure if all relavent:

25YO, 6’1,220lbs from the UK.

Other Stats:
-hair is average, patchy beard
Loosing weight has never been a problem, have used Neil hill to dial my diet in previously. I store fat around lower abdomen, lower back and legs.
-I am asthmatic
-I can’t remember the last time I had morning wood.
How much water you add determines the amount per mL. The potency of it. The amount you inject determines the dose.

If you added 3ml it would be 500iu per mL. You would use .5mL. Please wait for people checking my math.

I have directions in my boxes. My vials have 5,000iu. Directions say add 5 mL water. 1,000iu per mL. I inject .5mL sub q which is 500 iu. per injection.
Hi there, do you want to mix the hcg and sust and then pin it? there is a good thread here about your issue that might shed more light for you brother
How much water you add determines the amount per mL. The potency of it. The amount you inject determines the dose.

If you added 3ml it would be 500iu per mL. You would use .5mL. Please wait for people checking my math.

I have directions in my boxes. My vials have 5,000iu. Directions say add 5 mL water. 1,000iu per mL. I inject .5mL sub q which is 500 iu. per injection.

Can anyone confirm? I've also now come to the same calculation?

So I had blood tests this Monday, these were five hours before my first injection.

Serum oestradiol level - 116 pmol/L range 50.00 - 218.00 pmol/L
Serum FSH level - 2 iu/L
range 2.00 - 12.00iu/L
Lutenising hormone - 6iu/L
range 2.00 - 12.00iu/L
Serum prolactin level - 394 Mu/L
range <401.00mu/L
Sex hormone binding glob -17.2 nmol/L range 14.00 - 48.00nmol/L
Serum testostrone - 14.9 nmol/L range 8.60 - 29.00nmol/L
Serum TSH - 2.13 Mu/L range 0.27 - 4.20mu/L

I think my estrogen is high as it's just tipping out of range. My prolactin levels are ridiculously high...

Any other observations you guys can draw upon? Should I be dosing arimedex at 0.25mg three times a week.

I've still not started injecting hcg at 250iu twice a week I feel this will raise estrogen even more.

Hmm... I feel I may find it difficult in controlling estrogen.
Now.. Can someone explain to me how much bacteristatic water I mix with the 1500iu hcg ampule to get 250iu when injecting?

You will get six doses of 250 IU out of a 1,500 IU amp, so it's up to you. You could mix with 0.6ml bac water and inject 0.1ml each time, or mix 1.2ml bac water and inject 0.2ml each time. Or six times 0.15ml equals 0.9ml mix volume. Get the gist? 0.2mls is a good number for me.
You will get six doses of 250 IU out of a 1,500 IU amp, so it's up to you. You could mix with 0.6ml bac water and inject 0.1ml each time, or mix 1.2ml bac water and inject 0.2ml each time. Or six times 0.15ml equals 0.9ml mix volume. Get the gist? 0.2mls is a good number for me.

You should not have any issues controlling estradiol (bad estrogen) while on arimidex. The half life of arimdex is roughly 3 days so biweekly dose at .5mg monday and friday has great efficac. Take the hcg, you will be doing yourself a diservice if you do not utilize the compound.

Dr. B
Mix 1500 IU with 1ml. Then each ten units on the insulin syringe will equal 1/10 of 1500 IU.


10 insulin units = 150 international units of HCG.

So 30 insulin units, or 0.3ml is equal to 450 IU of HCG

Hope this helps.
We agree its all personal preference. My preference personally is to go with the lowest volume that still makes it easy. With 5,000 IU vials I like mixing with 2.5 ml or even 2ml.

I like this because I am injecting less, and I get extra room in my 1/2ml syringe just in case I want to add in some peptides and or GAC to my program without adding another injection.

When you mix 1:1 and do a 500IU injection, it fills up a half ml syringe.

Hope this helps.
Damn! All these replies...

I've followed tabkmanbobs advice.. correct me if is wrong.

I've been on trt two weeks, I notice I get severely fatigue a day before injection is due. My e2 pre trt was in check although my shbg I would consider to be low. Would this suggest the level of free t a day before injection due is really low. If so should I be increasibg my sustanon 250 dose?
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It's me again, always asking for annoying clarifications...

Sus250: 65mg twice a week = how many mls each injection? 0.1 is 25, 0.2 is 50, ... so are you pinning 0.25? Which is 62.5? Just checking your math here

Are you pinning the sus sub-q?

Do you know what the blend is? Sus blends can vary, but all of them typically have one short ester and two long esters. The long esters are gonna take maybe 6 weeks to 'kick in'

Your AI. 0.75/wk may not be enough estrogen control if your BF is on the high side

The body can do some annoying, rebellious stuff as it adapts to the new chemistry. Don't adjust until you have bloods again. You're (and us too) are just guessing until then
I'm around your time on TRT and can feel differences. Today is hCG day and tomorrow is test/Ana. I'm bitchy in my head. Aggressive thoughts. Lasy week nipple soreness would slighly increase. I actually feel best about 30-40 hours after test/ana. Test is high and the ana has been going through.

Hold course. I will unless I have sides or issues. So far even with the slight ups and down I'm getting better. This also mirrors what blood levels actually do.
It's me again, always asking for annoying clarifications...

Sus250: 65mg twice a week = how many mls each injection? 0.1 is 25, 0.2 is 50, ... so are you pinning 0.25? Which is 62.5? Just checking your math here

Are you pinning the sus sub-q?

Do you know what the blend is? Sus blends can vary, but all of them typically have one short ester and two long esters. The long esters are gonna take maybe 6 weeks to 'kick in'

Your AI. 0.75/wk may not be enough estrogen control if your BF is on the high side

The body can do some annoying, rebellious stuff as it adapts to the new chemistry. Don't adjust until you have bloods again. You're (and us too) are just guessing until then

Technically speaking it is 0.25 which is 62.5mg.

My hcg is 1500 ius which I mixed with 1.2ml of bacs water to give me six shots of 250iu at 0.2 ml.

I am pinning both compounds sub-q.

Typically speaking I've had zero sides so far, maybe to early to speak. The only thing I have noticed is my body is real fatigue a day before injection(I pin twice a week 3.5 days apart).

From my most recent blood test I consider my shbg to be on the lower end. As far as I know low shbg and trt isn't a good fit.

However I suspect that my free test dips really low due a day before injection is due. I'm considering pinning three times a week, to whearher this would make any changes. I'm not in a position to adjust without consulting with my physician and a blood test.
Are you pinning your test and hcg on separate days? What blend of test are you administering? Are you running an AI?