chest fat


New member
Fellas...i got a huge problem..... My diet seems perfect for losing fat and i do a fuckin shit load of cardio but i cant get rid of the god damn fat around my pecs....anyone got any specific things that i can do to shed this unwanted fat??
What's your chest training look like?
And you're diet, give us an example on what you would eat in a day.
That information would be helpful.
I have the same problem as you man I find that cable flies and d-bell flies work the best but you have to do like 12-15 reps

12-15 reps for cutting.....hahahaha........No 12-15 reps is just for muscular endurance. 10 and down is for hypertrphy (adding more muscle).
my sets are usally 12,12,8 but my sets for my first exersice is 15,12,12,8 just do get more ripped look and musclar endurace look and the 8 reps to get my power up.
