chunky soup (other canned items)


New member
trusting the labels thread has reminded me of this dilemna. are canned soups really all that healthy for you? the caloric scale on the back of a chunky soup seems pretty good to add early on in the day, but im not sure if the carbs, fats, and protiens are the so called "good" kind, and are there any other additives to the canned soups, or other canned items that make them stay fresh? not sure if they are a healthy alternative. anyone have any input?
canned anything is really not the way to go. allthough canned veggies are decent. when anything is canned it is usually cooked before it is put in there. so most of the nutritional value of the items are lost. also, think of it like this- that canned good is OK to eat for a LONG time. so what in the hell is added in there??!! stick with fresh or frozen stuff. also i have never heard of soup being on a bodybuilder or any other atheletes diet~
sonis9 said:
also i have never heard of soup being on a bodybuilder or any other atheletes diet~

Thats what I was thinking, lil protein and major carbs! Too bad though, I love veg. soup mmmm:69:
I havent found any soup worth buying. Not too much protein, and more than a days worth of sodium per can. Theres probably a few soup recipes floating around though, it would be nice to whip up a big batch that would last through the week.
Muay Thai Guy said:
1 word

not just one word. we are not talking about organic sodium. we are talking about sodium derived from carbonated metals. that is the source or dietary sodium used in canned goods. my advice, stay the fuck away from anything containing sodium. be it ketchup, canned goods or whatever. try to eat as much of your food fresh, cause the preservatives in processed foods are slowly killing us. peace.
so do Oreos and McDonalds but it is not food, eat real food for a while and you will eventually be disgusted by processed salty foods. Many Americans are becoming fat turds and processed foods is one of the culprits.