cipro and diphenhyramine and


Father of 1 Dad to 4
two kinds cleaners named
brevoxyl-4 soap and cloderm (clocortolone pivailate) cream

what side if any can i expect from these meds?
I missed something....Cipro is an anti-biotic and The other is Benadryl a anti-histimine??? Did i misunderstand your question???
It looks like you are being treated for a skin rash....Cipro is also the mainstay for Anthrax
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yeah nutri has had that hairy critter with cysts beweetn its legs for a the damn critter is putting poeples eyes out.

But seriously...that sounds like a lot of meds for one dermal cyst
nekrawulf said:
yeah nutri has had that hairy critter with cysts beweetn its legs for a the damn critter is putting poeples eyes out.

But seriously...that sounds like a lot of meds for one dermal cyst
