CLA and fatloss


New member
great read....Compliments of Instynct999...enjoy.

CLA: Newly Discovered Benefits


by Ivy Greenwell

Compelling evidence indicates that CLA can promote youthful metabolic
function and reduce body fat. The unique mechanisms by which this fatty acid
protects against disease makes it an important addition to a life extension

Several years ago, the discovery of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) caused a
scientific sensation. Here was a fatty acid found in red meat and cheese
that showed strong anti-cancer properties, being particularly effective in
inhibiting breast and prostate tumors, as well as colorectal, stomach, and
skin cancer, including melanoma. On the whole, scientists found CLA to be
more strongly anti-carcinogenic than other fatty acids. What made CLA
especially unique is that even low concentrations significantly inhibited
cancer cell growth.

CLA supplementation was also shown to improve the lean mass to body fat
ratio, decreasing fat deposition. especially on the abdomen, and enhancing
muscle growth. One mechanism whereby CLA reduces body fat is by enhancing
insulin sensitivity so that fatty acids and glucose can pass through muscle
cell membranes and away from fat tissue. This results in an improved muscle
to fat ratio.

After some head-scratching about cheeseburgers as the newest health food, it
was discovered that, sadly, the natural sources of CLA such as beef, butter
and cheese no longer provide as much of this valuable fat as they used to.
Compared to the previous generations, Americans are deficient in CLA, and
not only because of lower consumption of red meat and butter fat. It turns
out that changes in cattle-feeding practices have decreased CLA content in
meat and milk. For optimal CLA production, cows need to graze on grass
rather than be artificially fattened in feed lots. The meat of grass-fed
cows contains up to four times as much CLA. Today's dairy products have only
about one third of the CLA content they used to have before 1960.

One big reason for the current obesity epidemic in America could be CLA
deficiency. Several animal studies showed that adding CLA to the diet
resulted in leaner, more muscular bodies. One 1996 study, for instance,
showed as much as 58% lower body fat in CLA-supplemented mice. A pioneering
Norwegian human study found that CLA-supplemented subjects lost up to 20% of
their body fat in three months without changing their diet, while the
control subjects on the average gained a slight amount of body fat during
the same period.

CLA was also shown to have antioxidant properties, and to prevent muscle
wasting (an anti-catabolic effect). It became popular with muscle builders
because of its ability to improve the transport of glucose, fatty acids and
protein to the muscle tissue.

It is interesting that while it is chemically related to linoleic acid,
conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) appears to have opposite effects in certain
important areas. For instance, linoleic acid stimulates fat formation
(lipogenesis) in adipose tissue, while CLA inhibits fat forma- tion;
linoleic acid tends to promote tumor growth, while CLA is an excellent
inhibitor of tumor growth; linoleic acid makes cholesterol more susceptible
to oxidation, while CLA makes cholesterol more stable.

One of the greatest problems with the Western diet during the last fifty
years has been excessive consumption of linoleic acid, due to the
introduction of margarine, seed oils such as corn oil and safflower oil, and
the modern artificial feeding methods that have raised the linoleic acid
content of meat. At the same time, the consumption of beneficial fatty acids
such as omega-3 fats (fish, flax, perilla) and CLA has gone down. Because of
the enormous impact that fatty acids have on our physiology, an excess of
linoleic acid combined with a deficiency of CLA could have far-reaching
effects on health and longevity.

Let us now take a closer look at the current research findings about CLA.

CLA reduces body fat in mice by up to 88%

A recent study at the Louisiana State University confirmed that feeding male
mice a CLA-enriched diet (at 1% of the diet by weight, or l0g/kg) for six
weeks resulted in 43% to 88% lower body fat, especially in regard to
abdominal fat. This occurred even if the mice were fed a high-fat diet. The
effect was partly due to reduced calorie intake by CLA-supplemented mice,
and partly to a shift in their metabolism, including a higher metabolic

In another study, performed at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, mice
supplemented with only .5% of CLA showed up to 60% lower body fat and up to
14% increased lean body mass compared to controls. The researchers
discovered that CLA-fed animals showed greater activity of enzymes involved
in the delivery of fatty acids to the muscle cells and the utilization of
fat for energy, while the enzymes facilitatmg fat deposition were inhibited.

CLA improves insulin sensitivity

A study using diabetic Zucker rats indicates that part of CLA's
effectiveness in preventing obesity may lie in its ability to act as a
potent insulin sensitizer, thus lowering insulin resistance and consequently
insulin levels. Since elevated insulin is the chief pro-obesity agent, it is
enormously important to keep insulin within the normal range. By activating
certain enzymes and enhancing glucose transport into the cells, CLA acts to
lower blood sugar levels and normalize insulin levels. Thus, besides being
anti-atherogenic and anti-carcinogenic, CLA is also anti-diabetogenic: it
helps prevent adult-onset diabetes, characterized by insulin resistance. If
the current animal results are corroborated, CLA may prove to be important
not only in the prevention of diabetes, but also as a new therapy for
adult-onset diabetics, aimed at lowering insulin resistance.

CLA inhibits the growth of prostate cancer while linoleic acid promotes it

Immuno-deficient mice inoculated with human prostate cancer cells were fed
either a standard diet, a diet supplemented with 1% linoleic acid, or a diet
supplemented with 1% CLA. Mice receiving linoleic acid showed significantly
higher body weight and increased tumor load compared with the two other
groups. CLA-supplemented mice, on the other hand, showed the lowest tumor
load and a dramatic reduction in lung metastasis.

CLA supplementation helps prevent the initiation, promotion and metastasis
of breast cancer

In a study performed at Roswell Park Cancer Institute in Buffalo, 50 day-old
rats were treated with a potent carcinogen and then supplemented with 1% CLA
for 4, 8 or 20 weeks. Only rats receiving CLA for the full 20 weeks showed
tumor inhibition. CLA lowered the total number of carcinomas by 70%.
Interestingly, there was a much higher incorporation of CLA into the neutral
lipids of the mammary tissue rather than into the phospholipids (cell
membranes). While the physiological significance of this phenomenon is not
understood, it seems that the presence of CLA in mammary tissue plays a
highly protective role against the initiation of breast cancer.

In another study, immuno-deficient mice were fed a 1% CLA- enriched diet for
two weeks prior to inoculation with human breast adenocarcinoma cells.
Besides inhibiting tumor growth, CLA totally prevented the metastasis of
breast cancer to the lungs and bone marrow.

The preventive effect of CLA against breast cancer is independent of the
amount of fat in the diet. Even when the tumor-promoting excess levels of
linoleic acid reach 12% in the diet, CLA was still incorporated into the
lipids of the mammary tissue, and still provided protection against
carcinogenesis. Anticarcinogenic effects of CLA did not increase with a dose
beyond 1% of CLA in the diet.

A recent in-vitro study of breast cancer cells showed that CLA worked
synergistically with nordihydroguaiaretic acid (ND GA), a potent antioxidant
and lipoxygenase inhibitor found in the desert herb chaparral. This suggests
that one mechanism of CLA's suppression of tumor growth is its ability to
inhibit the production of leukotrienes, inflammatory compounds that may be
even more harmful and difficult to control than series II prostaglandins.
(Both series II prostaglandins and leukotrienes fuel tumor growth; both are
metabolites of arachidonic fatty acid, itself a metabolite of linoleic
Yet another mechanism of CLA's anti-cancer action may lie in its
interference with tumor growth factors such as thymidine.

CLA is especially effective at inhibiting the proliferation of estrogen
receptor positive breast cancer cells, arresting estrogen-dependent cell
division. Besides the oncostatic properties of CLA, it is also likely that
CLA inhibits the enzymes that activate various carcinogens. Thus CLA appears
to protect against all three stages of cancer: initiation, promotion, and

Early CLA supplementation lowers the glandular density in mammary tissue

Previous research showed that supplementation with CLA during the formative
period in mammary-gland development confers a lasting protection against
carcinogen-induced breast cancer. A new and more detailed study showed that
female rats fed a 1% CLA diet after weaning showed a 20% reduction in the
density of the ductal-lobular tree, meaning that the glandular density of
the mammaries was lower. High glandular density is a very significant breast
cancer risk factor. This study implies that supplementing the diet of young
girls with CLA might reduce the glandular density of their breast tissue,
conferring a significant degree of life-long protection against breast

Immune-enhancing effects of CLA

CLA has been found to stimulate the production of lymphocytes and of
interleukin-2, and to increase the levels of certain immunoglobulins, while
lowering the release of immunoglobulin E, associated with allergies.

Improved immune function resulting from CLA supplementation can also be
postulated on the basis of its ability to lower the production of
immunosuppressive compounds such as leukotrienes and series II
prostaglandins, and to improve insulin sensitivity (elevated insulin leads
to immunosuppression).

Anti-Atherogenic effects of CLA

We have already mentioned that CLA improves insulin sensitivity. Since
elevated insulin promotes atherosclerosis, any agent that lowers insulin
levels by improving insulin sensitivity can be classified as
anti-atherogenic. However, CLA has also been shown to have further
anti-atherogenie benefits thanks to its ability to improve serum lipids and
to its tocopherol (Vitamin E)-sparing effect.

CLA lowers cholesterol and triglycerides, helps keep arteries clean

A study at the University of Wisconsin-Madison found that rabbits
supplemented with .5g CLA/day showed markedly lower total and LDL
cholesterol, lower LDL to HDL ratio, lower total cholesterol to HDL ratio,
and lower serum triglycerides. On autopsy, the aortas of CLA-supplemented
rabbits showed less atherosclerotic plaque.

A more recent study done at the University of Massachusetts confirmed that
hamsters whose diets were supplemented with CLA showed significantly lower
total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides compared to controls.
The serum of CLA-fed hamsters also showed higher tocopherol/cholesterol
ratios, indicating that CLA has a tocopherol- sparing effect (that is, being
less oxidizable than linoleic acid, it does not require as much Vitamin E
for antioxidant protection).

It is not cholesterol per se, but oxidized cholesterol that is harmful to
the blood vessels. The oxidizability of cholesterol varies mainly in
proportion to the percentage of linoleic acid that it contains; thus the
more stable fatty acids, such as CLA, that can be incorporated into
cholesterol serve to make it less vulnerable. CLA's antioxidant properties
may also play a role in its ability to help keep the blood vessels clean.

As a side note, CLA tends to be incorporated more abundantly into the cell
and mitochondrial membranes of the heart muscle. Since the heart relies on
fatty acids rather than glucose as its energy source, greater abundance of
CLA in the heart muscle may improve the efficiency of fat transport and fat
metabolism in the cardiac mitochondria.

Possible anti-osteoporosis effects of CLA

An in-vitro study done at Purdue University showed that in various rat
tissue cultures, including bone tissue, supplemental CLA (at 1% of diet)
decreased the levels of omega-6 fatty acids and total monosaturated fatty
acids, while increasing the concen- trations of omega-3 fatty acids and
saturated acids. The levels of inflammatory series II prostaglandins were
also decreased by CLA feeding. Since inflammatory compounds lead to bone
loss, CLA might potentially be of use in preventing osteoporosis. We are
gaining more and more understanding of the importance of beneficial fatty
acids for bone health. Unfortunately, women aren't being told about the need
to consume adequate amounts of healthy fats in order to prevent bone loss.

The Safety of CLA

In a study conducted by the Nutrition Department of Kraft Foods, male rats
were fed a diet of 1.5% CLA, which is 50 times higher than the estimated
upper-range human intake. The animals were examined weekly for any signs of
toxicity; no toxicity was found. After the end of the 36-week study, the
animals were sacrificed and autopsied. Again, no pathology was found. The
study confirmed that CLA supplementation is safe even at high doses.
Nevertheless, high doses are not necessary for obtaining the benefits of

Most people obtain their essential omega-3 fatty acids from flax, fish or
perilla oils. CLA appears to be in a class by itself as far as its unique
mechanism of disease prevention and body fat reduction. A deficiency of CLA
in the diet may be a major factor in causing Americans to gain so many fat
pounds. CLA is a potent antioxidant, but appears to prevent cancer via other
mechanisms of action. A particularly rich source of CLA is melted cheddar
cheese, yet most consumers prefer to obtain this fatty acid from low-cost
CLA supplements that provide the exact isomers that have shown the greatest
levels of protection against disease and obesity.
Thanks bro. I've been thinking of trying citrimax and I may just give it a whirl. Is CLA supposed to be especially helpful in preventing excess fat gain when using exogenous insulin?
Great article. I'm using some now while cutting, along with a plethora of other drugs/supplements.
so one question

how many grams can u take for optimal fat loss? i want to know for about a 220 lb person

I'm taking about 12-15g a day, I know people taking up to 30g with great results. Add ALA/ Acetyl L-carnitine/Green Tea and you'll be rockin.
SOLID said:
I'm taking about 12-15g a day, I know people taking up to 30g with great results. Add ALA/ Acetyl L-carnitine/Green Tea and you'll be rockin.

He asked how much to take for a 220lb person not a 140lb person. :rolleyes:
VPX's ThinFat is the most cost effective has the best price! $23.95

30 days at 8.8grams a day! Its the most cost effective brand I found!

ThinfatÖ (240 cc)

CLA triglyderide - Nature's Stimulant-Free Natural Fat Burner!

ThinfatÖ: Increases lean muscle tissue and frees up stored body fat to utilize as energy to aid in slimming and toning of your body. Fat is burned inside of the muscle. Consequently, the more muscle you possess, the greater your capacity to burn fat.*

ThinfatÖ: Naturally prevents the storage of additional body fat by inhibiting Lipoprotein Lipase.*

ThinfatÖ: Provides an excellent source of calories for those on low carbohydrate diets and also helps to maintain stable blood sugar levels.

ThinfatÖ: Significantly enhances the immune system by protecting against harmful "cellular backlash."*

ThinfatÖ: Is the first and only liquid triglyceride version of CLA! Liquid eliminates the need for pills and capsules and provides a 100% natural, vegetarian-friendly alternative for persons who want to avoid animal-derived by products such as, pork gelatin capsules.

ThinfatÖ: CLA liquid triglyceride offers better digestibility and bioavailability than CLA in free fatty acid capsule form.

ThinfatÖ: 100% vegan; 100% natural; NO artificial colors, flavors or sweeteners.

ThinfatÖ: Tastes great and can be consumed as a stand-alone supplement or used as a healthy addition to salads, in drink mixes, protein shakes or anyway you desire.

ThinfatÖ: Over 500 Clinical Studies Support the effectiveness of THINFAT CLA triglyceride.*

This CLA triglyceride fat naturally prevents the storage of additional body fat by inhibiting Lipoprotein Lipase.

4 ml (spoon measurement) serving size (over 200 lbs. go to 5 ml) with meals

Nutrition Facts
Serving Size: 4 ml
Number of Servings: 60
Amount per Serving
% Daily Value*
Calories 36
Sugars 0g 0%
Total Fat 4.4g 5%
Saturated Fat 414mg 0%
Monounsaturated Fat 600mg **
Polyunsaturated Fat 3,648mg **
Cholesterol 0g 0%
Conjugated Linoleic Acid 4,400mg (4.4g)

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet.
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What ever brand you decide to buy make sure it's at least 70% Tonalin.

I can get...

CLA (TONALIN 75% BEST RATIO)..1000 1gm SOFTGELS @ $155
..2000 1gm SOFTGELS @ $275
Trevdog said:
Thanks bro. I've been thinking of trying citrimax and I may just give it a whirl. Is CLA supposed to be especially helpful in preventing excess fat gain when using exogenous insulin?

bro, fyi, citrimax is a brand name HCA (hydroxycitric acid), different than CLA (conjugated linoliec acid)...

I used the Tonalin cla, for 30 days at just 4grams a day....I did get leaner, but I also seemed to have added some lean mass at the same time & that was just on 4gr for 30 days, I ran out now or I would still be taking it...

Caveat - it is very hard to find good CLA on the market.

Bill Phillips screwed the world to make a buck. He got a flimsy "use" patent for CLA for weightloss (would never have stood up in court) and then used the clout of EAS as an 800 lbs gorilla to keep competitors out of the market. (It doesn't matter if you will win a lawsuit if you can't afford to fight it.) Then he sold a grossly inferior (higher profit margin) version of CLA. The lousy CLA is still the market staple.
I know the owner of VPX and He spends al shit load of money for the best raw materials.

But, Yes...Make sure its Tonalin, or VPX's extract!
doggy said:
bro, fyi, citrimax is a brand name HCA (hydroxycitric acid), different than CLA (conjugated linoliec acid)...


Question: Is CLA at all useful when bulking (e.g. does it help keep the fat off without interfering with gains) or is it strictly useful for cutting?
It could be awsome in a bulking cycle...I have seen studies where it is said to increase LBM while reducing the size of fat cells!

I think you must take it in high doses. The research says 4 grams a day, but I would double or even triple it!