

Chief SmackaHoe
any brand specific perferences out there?

or is CLA, CLA no matter who makes it. Some price differences from 12.00 - 30.00 out there and I besides mg content or serving size, is there a difference.

just trying to be "economical" and shit.
VPX says their Thinfat is 'the only triglyceride form' so....yeah. I like the NOW brand, too. Personally, I use both.
Suareezay said:
Wasting money on worthless supps like CLA isnt very "economical and shit".

Maybe its not "economical and shit" for you but I personally notice great effects with it. And someone else might too.
CLA appears beneficial in

1. obese humans
2. untrained humans
3. mice
4. in large quantities (the shits expensive even in small quantities)

Nobody who has half a clue what theyre talking about uses or recommends this shit. I really wouldnt bother. Anecdotal claims, as generally are the case with supplements, are useless. Ask any bro in any gym in the US and he will tell you that he gained 20 pounds of muscle with creatine in 2 weeks. Psychological effects are neat.
Suareezay said:
CLA appears beneficial in

1. obese humans
2. untrained humans
3. mice
4. in large quantities (the shits expensive even in small quantities)

Nobody who has half a clue what theyre talking about uses or recommends this shit. I really wouldnt bother. Anecdotal claims, as generally are the case with supplements, are useless. Ask any bro in any gym in the US and he will tell you that he gained 20 pounds of muscle with creatine in 2 weeks. Psychological effects are neat.

Your opinion......narrowminded.
cman81 said:
Your opinion......narrowminded.
or just a result of every study ive seen on it, as well as the general consensus of everyone who has half a clue.

by all means, have fun with it though.
I agree with cman81, I have used CLA and experienced great results. Suareezay, are you just talking shit or do you have facts to back up your "half a clue" comment. I would love to know?
About a year ago I added CLA to my supplement regamin of whey protein, creatine monohydrate, and a multivitamin. I continued CLA for about 3 months until I injured my shoulder. For the last two months of my CLA use I experienced a 3% decrease in body fat. I started at 221 Lbs, 13% body fat and when I weighed in the day before shoulder surgery I was 232 Lbs and 10% body fat. The only variable i changed for those 3 months was the addition of CLA. In my opinion CLA is a good supplement, I will use it as a part of my cutting cycles in the future. If anyone is interested I used the Tonalin CLA from vitamin world.
I used the EAS brand years ago when B Phil was pushing it strong along with HMB. Wish I had that money back as the HMB especially was hella expensive.

Anyways, I'm glad it worked for ya.
Suareezay said:
Anecdotal claims, as generally are the case with supplements, are useless.

Unfortunately, these are usually what we have in regards to supplements.

The impression I had about cla (I haven't looked into it with any great zest), was that it had a mild body recomposition type effect on the body. I also remember reading about using it with the anarchy stack and people got decent results from it, but they also took a ton.

I think the general consensus was that cla did help lower bodyfat, but with too minimal an effect for the cost. Which I think sua stated with a bit more color.
TxLonghorn said:
I think the general consensus was that cla did help lower bodyfat, but with too minimal an effect for the cost. Which I think sua stated with a bit more color.
yea, the OP's goal is to be "economical". The cost/benefit ratio just isnt in the OP's favor.

When you take into account the high cost associated with the necessary doses, im just not seeing a reason for it, regardless of how big of a supplement budget you may have.

But if somebody feels it does wonders for them...go nuts. Sometimes things work exceptionally well for certain people, but rarely is that the case.