Suareezay said:Wasting money on worthless supps like CLA isnt very "economical and shit".
Suareezay said:CLA appears beneficial in
1. obese humans
2. untrained humans
3. mice
4. in large quantities (the shits expensive even in small quantities)
Nobody who has half a clue what theyre talking about uses or recommends this shit. I really wouldnt bother. Anecdotal claims, as generally are the case with supplements, are useless. Ask any bro in any gym in the US and he will tell you that he gained 20 pounds of muscle with creatine in 2 weeks. Psychological effects are neat.
or just a result of every study ive seen on it, as well as the general consensus of everyone who has half a clue.cman81 said:Your opinion......narrowminded.
45 said:I agree with cman81, I have used CLA and experienced great results.
Suareezay said:Anecdotal claims, as generally are the case with supplements, are useless.
yea, the OP's goal is to be "economical". The cost/benefit ratio just isnt in the OP's favor.TxLonghorn said:I think the general consensus was that cla did help lower bodyfat, but with too minimal an effect for the cost. Which I think sua stated with a bit more color.