Clen dosage:Who's right?


New member
I've heard 2 days on and 2 off, 2 weeks on and 2 off and that you can taper up and then back down for as long as 6 weeks. I've heard that you should taper and that you shouldn't taper and that if you do 2-on-2-off you can use an ECA stack and that you shouldn't use an ECA stack.

Damn that's A LOT of contradictions! Can someone help me weed through the bullshit so I can find out what's really good? Thanks.
Its very subjective. I use 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off. I do not use ECA stack. The best advice I can give is that you need to figure it out for yourself. I would start of with something basic just to see how your body reacts. Then go from there.
It would depend on the clen dosage. I would take the smallest amount to acheive the desired goal. 20mcg to start 1day on 1off. Get familar with the clen slowly.
Move up as desired 20mcg increments or less. This way you will help damper any sides that may make you uncomfortable.
Take amino taurine for sides, build it up slow..

Dont use ECA stacks as it works on the same receptors as clen you can use ketotifen every third week so you can use it constantly. If your doing any steroids next to it you can consider taking T3 as it will keep receptors clean so you can use clen all the way.
i took 50-100 mcgs 2days on 2 days off. That worked well for me. The days i did 100mcgs i got bad muscle cramps even tauring and potassium wont help in that department. I would stick to 50 mcgs 2days on 2 days on or what ever works for u. 2 weeks on 2 weeks off is also a good idea but i never tried it.