Clen for first cycle


New member
I want to do tren for first cycle. I currently get a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) of 2.5 cc from doc eow. Im 25, 6 ft, 200 lbs and 17 percent body fat. Been lifting for two and a half yrs i know its not good for first cycle, but what if i take a pct? Two liver protectants and exemethane for estrogen? What makes it a bad idea as first cycle? How else can i avoid sides? I want it as safe as possible w little to no sides. Plz no criticizm im looking for real support cause ive made up my mind. Plz help.

Another friend wants to lose fat only w clen. What to look out for? Sides? How to make safe?

And my second friends wants winstrol for his 2nd cycle to harden the effects of his m drol cycle. Any advice? Gyno is worse fear and want to keep out test lvls as normal ad possible w no crash.
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You need to do a lot of research on your own before you touch tren. Read the stickies and use the search feature.
Well what rlse is there to k ow? Im new to this and still unknowledgeable. I know it suppresses both test and estrogen. So i want to know the. Best way to bring these to normal w a drug so powerful. I heard there is even something to help w hairloss and cholesterol. Is there anything that is specifically for tren? Something that will help 100 percent?
first, what are your goals? what is it you wish to accomplish with your cycle? I suggest you get your diet in check first and see how it changes your body. you definately DO NOT want to mess with Tren for your first cycle.....or second!

Clen is decent for aiding in fat loss. try to get your diet strait and drop a few % naturaly or with the help of clen before you jump on AAS.
My diet is egg whites in the morn, bananas and apples for brunch, my two lunches r spinach light ham and light cheese salads, and my dinner is a chicken brest, a red potato and green beens. Its been that way for 6 months and i havent changed. I lift w three trainers trying to rid me of my fat and build muscle, but no results. Ive even added oatmeal in the mix. Muscle confusion, ect. Ive tried insanity as well, and i know i dis well cause i could barely walk afterwards. But after two months, ive only lost two months. Thats y i want to do tren. My goal is to lose a bit of fat and pack on muscle. Ive been lifting for a couple yrs w no results, so u can c my frustration. I want to gain lean mass and a lil more ripped from fat loss, plus, my stomache goes past my chest. Tren just seems to do it all and has the results i want. Plus, its in my price range
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