Clen & Water, easy solution?


New member
Does clen go into an even solution with distilled water? I ask because of the small volume of clen compared to a relatively large volume of water (for reasonable concentrations such as 100mcg/ml). It would seem to me that the clen might not go into solution evenly, even though it looks as though it did. I dont want to make a large batch, and then split it up only to have some bottles be bunk, while other bottles are sending people to the hospitol.
ah just do what we discussed in the past......just brew the stuff in one massive 18L jug for water dispenser things, and just get the pump for it....pump out some clen every once in a while.///
true my son, I just want to overthink the shit out of this one cuz it wont be me whose ingesting this brew. I dont need any dead bodies on my hands.