I have just finished a test/deca cycle and to lower BF have started clenbuterol cycle starting with 20mg and advancing 20mg per day for last 4 days and am up to 60mg. A little tremors and a bit irritable at first but everything seems fine.
Reading this forum I see ketotifen 1mg before bed, every night is recommended. My question is having looked this up on the net is that it is an eye drop, is this the correct form I am looking for?
Also am I correct in my assumption that the benefit is to enhance the performance of the clen by making my body more receptive to it?
Thanks for any feed back
Reading this forum I see ketotifen 1mg before bed, every night is recommended. My question is having looked this up on the net is that it is an eye drop, is this the correct form I am looking for?
Also am I correct in my assumption that the benefit is to enhance the performance of the clen by making my body more receptive to it?
Thanks for any feed back