Clenbuterol only cycle


New member
I'm 6'3 240lbs train 5 days a week and going to increase my cardio to 5 days a week. Before I go on my other set cycle of test and anavar, I'm looking to cut away the fat and slim down some before a bulk up. I'm looking to do clen only. I was wondering with heavy cardio and clen will I be able to lose the fat that I'm looking to do. I'm looking to cut 20lbs atleast. I know my diet hasnt been great because if it was I wouldnt have gained the weight:redhot: I'm trying a high protien diet with this.

I know you should taper up with the clen and cycle it on and off. It will look like this. Anything I should know before I do this? Ive heard of the ECA stack, not sure where to get it or what its for. Looking for some help. Thanks

cycle 1
Day 1: 20mcg
Day 2: 40mcg
Day 3: 60mcg
Day 4-14: 80mcg

2 week off

cycle 2
Day 1: 40mcg
Day 2: 60mcg
Day 3-14: 80mcg
I'm currently on a clen and t3 cycle. I'm a hard loser also...I do lots of cardio and workout 4-5 time a week. I like the combination. I lose about a pound a week while on but I notice a lot less body fat. I work up to 120mg ed by the second week and stay there for 2 weeks then taper down. I give 3 weeks off before I start again. With the t3 you must taper up and down and I don't exceed 100mg per day. I only do a 3 week on and 3 week off cycle of this. The t3 can shut down your thyroid if you dose too high or stay on too long but it increases metabolism and works well for me with the clen.
I dont run clen and t3 alone because it eats muscle. I usually add in var.

What type of cardio are you doing and also for how long?

High protein diet is fine, but how are your calories and carbs?
I'm 6'3 240lbs train 5 days a week and going to increase my cardio to 5 days a week. Before I go on my other set cycle of test and anavar, I'm looking to cut away the fat and slim down some before a bulk up. I'm looking to do clen only. I was wondering with heavy cardio and clen will I be able to lose the fat that I'm looking to do. I'm looking to cut 20lbs atleast. I know my diet hasnt been great because if it was I wouldnt have gained the weight:redhot: I'm trying a high protien diet with this.

I know you should taper up with the clen and cycle it on and off. It will look like this. Anything I should know before I do this? Ive heard of the ECA stack, not sure where to get it or what its for. Looking for some help. Thanks

cycle 1
Day 1: 20mcg
Day 2: 40mcg
Day 3: 60mcg
Day 4-14: 80mcg

2 week off

cycle 2
Day 1: 40mcg
Day 2: 60mcg
Day 3-14: 80mcg

if ure going to be careless with ure diet again then it wont help. ure cycle looks fine. but ure a big dude, i'd push it to 100mcg. if u havent achieved ure goal, add another 2 weeks.

I dont run clen and t3 alone because it eats muscle. I usually add in var.

What type of cardio are you doing and also for how long?

High protein diet is fine, but how are your calories and carbs?

yeh, if its above moderate dose and used too long it can eat up muscle. its catabolic. clen with test is good. but for a female clen + var is perfect.
Well, I was going to do clen for the 4 weeks total to cut away the bf, then run my cycle of test and var.

My test cycle is 375mg week for 12 weeks and var 50mg for weeks 8-13 then my post cycle therapy (pct) of nolva for 4 weeks starting a week after my last var tab. I just wanted to cut the fat away before I jumped into my bulking cycle.
The main purpose of taking the clen is to cut away my fat and lower the bf % before my test and var cycle.

My test and var cycle is 12 weeks of 375mg of test e and weeks 8-13 of 50mg of var. then a week after my last tab i will run my nolva for 4 weeks. not sure if i should do a couple hcg shots (mainly because the test dose is low) but if i need it ill get it quick.

My intention is to run the clen for probably 6 weeks with 2 weeks breaks in between and then after a couple week break, start my cycle of test. What do you guys think? Will this work.

Oops just realized that my other post actually posted. I didnt think it went through. Sorry guys.
I know you should taper up with the clen and cycle it on and off. It will look like this.
IMO, you're increasing the dose far too quickly when you're going up by 20 mcg/day for the first 4 days. Those are high doses relative to your sensitivity, which will accelerate desensitization and increase your risk for negative side effects. If you can, I'd bite the tabs in half so you can increase the dose 10 mcg at a time. I'd increase the dose every two or three days. Keep in mind that even when you take the same dose 2 or 3 days in a row, active levels in your body are actually increasing due to clen's long half life.
Anything I should know before I do this?
Take taurine to prevent cramping, which is common on clen, and also possibly for a protective effect for your heart. And don't overdose, which could cause permanent heart damage.
Ive heard of the ECA stack, not sure where to get it or what its for. Looking for some help.
This is a good reference on the EC stack******

If hunger and/or tiredness are problems while you're dieting, EC is one of the best choices out there for an appetite suppressant and stimulant. It's inexpensive and very effective.
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Ok... so my doses should look something like:

20 20 30 30 40 40 50 50 60 60 80 80 80 80 ??

second cycle

40 40 50 50 60 60 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 80 ??

Als do you agree with the losing the fat before my cycle?