Clomid for pct or not????


New member
Hey guys I was wondering is clomid really needed for a test enanthate only cycle I will be using nolvadex for pct and running hcg throughout the cycle with adex in hand.
Read the link in my signature below. It will walk you through PCT.

Or check out your other thread where I was helping you out. Just to reiterate what I said there, PCT itself is not necessary. You could try to let your body recover on its own. It will just take a lot longer and reduce the chances of you making a full HPTA recover. You would lose a lot of your gains from the cycle too most likely in forgoing PCT.
Why not take it? Why chance a poor recovery? Don't half ass the most important part of the cycle. Get some clomid and run it.
Why adex on hand? Use it! Won't do you any good having it on hand. If the shit hits the fan and you get gyno, adex won't do anything for it...
Hey guys I was wondering is clomid really needed for a test enanthate only cycle I will be using nolvadex for pct and running hcg throughout the cycle with adex in hand.

use dex from start of cycle to the start of pct. 0.25-0.5mg eod. its not just for gyno, its to keep estro in healthy range.
I would highly rec the clomid an tamox combo. but one is better than non. but personally i would rec clomid if going solo, but the combo is best. i rec test for 12-14 weeks and deca atleast 12. so i would rec 12wk deca and 14 wk test, going 2 weeks longer than the deca
Read the link in my signature below. It will walk you through PCT.

Or check out your other thread where I was helping you out. Just to reiterate what I said there, PCT itself is not necessary. You could try to let your body recover on its own. It will just take a lot longer and reduce the chances of you making a full HPTA recover. You would lose a lot of your gains from the cycle too most likely in forgoing PCT.

what he said x 1000