clomid nolva questions with mk 2866 cycle


New member
Hello, was curious how long do i run pct(nolva,clomid) after my 8 week MK-2866 and the dosing? and should i run the clomid 50mg each day during the 8 weeks of mk 2866 (25mg a day)?? about to get going here with my log just got a few more things i want to be sure about is all, thanks you for your responses, much appreciated.
Ok I'm just not sure how that's read , is it only 4 days???

Each number means the mg per day that week. So Nolva 40/40/20/20 means 1st and 2nd week 40mg/day, and then 2 more weeks at 20mg/day. Clomid 50/50/50/50 means 4 weeks at 50mg/day throughout. Your PCT would run for 4 weeks.
Each number means the mg per day that week. So Nolva 40/40/20/20 means 1st and 2nd week 40mg/day, and then 2 more weeks at 20mg/day. Clomid 50/50/50/50 means 4 weeks at 50mg/day throughout. Your PCT would run for 4 weeks.

Makes sense! Thank you much mate