Dosage For First Cycle of MK-2866 Ostarine


New member
About to start my first SARM cycle using MK-2866. Am taking it with the goal of maintaining my current muscle mass while cutting. From my research it seems the most common cycle to do with MK-2866 is 8 weeks at 25 mg/day. The pills I got are 15 mg, so I either have to take 15 or 30 mg per day. I am planning on taking 15 mg/day for 3-4 weeks then getting bloodwork done to make sure I am not having any liver problems. If liver panel looks good I will kick it up to 30 mg/day and stay on that for another 8 weeks. How does that sound for a first SARM cycle?

For background and stats, I am a 47 year old male, 5'9" and 235 lbs. at 17% bodyfat. Did several cycles of prohormones years ago before the stuff I was taking got taken off the market. Other than that also did one cycle of Deca and testosterone. Currently on 200 mg/week of testosterone replacement therapy.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks
About to start my first SARM cycle using MK-2866. Am taking it with the goal of maintaining my current muscle mass while cutting. From my research it seems the most common cycle to do with MK-2866 is 8 weeks at 25 mg/day. The pills I got are 15 mg, so I either have to take 15 or 30 mg per day. I am planning on taking 15 mg/day for 3-4 weeks then getting bloodwork done to make sure I am not having any liver problems. If liver panel looks good I will kick it up to 30 mg/day and stay on that for another 8 weeks. How does that sound for a first SARM cycle?

For background and stats, I am a 47 year old male, 5'9" and 235 lbs. at 17% bodyfat. Did several cycles of prohormones years ago before the stuff I was taking got taken off the market. Other than that also did one cycle of Deca and testosterone. Currently on 200 mg/week of testosterone replacement therapy.

Any input is appreciated. Thanks

In reading through my post I realized I forgot to ask my main question. Is it enough to stay on 15 mg per day for cutting or do I need to kick it up to 30 mg? I want to take as little as possible to get the results I need. Thanks.