Clomid starting on mid cycle


New member
I've been doing AAS for a while with all the right protocol on my pct. But a buddy of mine says he takes clomid have way during his cycle so that he doesn't crash as hard when (WE) do our pct. Could this actually help or make a difference? Everyone is different, I know. But I was curious. He even said he's done clomid through out his entire cycle. Anyway's if any one has any info, I'd like to hear your experiences?


I'm getting ready to do short ester cycle and trying half way in start clomid, so I might not crash as much. when I finish. Blast with HCG at the end and I'll take my HCG thru out my ten week cycle.
A couple of interesting things about clomid and HCG:

Clomid has the ability to mask your hypothalamus from sensing that you have too much test, so in a way tricks it into producing gonadotropin releasing hormones which in turn make the pituitary produce FSH and LH, which stimulate your balls to make sperm and test. So taking it during cycle might just keep the HPTA going. I don't know about this, or how it works under full cycle type hormone doses, but sounds interesting.

HCG in adequate dose can keep you from being suppressed during cycle. There was a recent post over on the TRT forum where doses were discussed, and as the dose increased in the trial a lesser and lesser percentage of people got suppressed with exogenous test. I don't recall how much, but it was a lot - like a couple thousand IU EOD resulted in 95% of people being not suppressed.

So perhaps you could achieve what you want - keeping your nuts working on cycle, if you took enough of each.
Yeah my buddy said he doesn't crash as hard when he takes clomid during cycle. I just got my bloods taken today and waiting on my results before I start my short ester cycle. I've done long ester Tren three times. This time I am doing a short ester With Test of course (Test C) [Gives me ranging boners for some reason] and Short ester Mastron. All my gear is homemade so I know it's real compared to buying it pre made and finding out the hard way(Blood test) that the stuff was fake. Plus if fucked me up so bad that I got acne from it and had to take acutane for a while to get rid of it. Anyway.
can you share your stats please

6'6" 253 pounds 18% body fat. I'm carb cycling now which I've done before with 3J. I know I need to get my body fat down to 15% but in this case I'll still be doing my carb cycling diet. Just right now I need to figure how much I am going to take each week. I have (AI) which I usually need if my test is high. But this time around I'll do more Tren then Test. I'll also do HCG twice a week. Probably Clomid to mid cycle. Just going ten weeks. I have caber but only going to use it if I see any sides from the Tren. But Since I've done tren 3 times already and not once have I had to use Caber. But it's there just in case. My biggest game is my E2, which typically is always low even off AAS. So when my results on my bloods come in, I'll see what to do. My last cycle I was at 100mg of test c and had to use .5 AI EOD but his cycle I might do .25 or 12.5 eod. Then after four weeks in I'll get my bloods done again and see where my e2 is at.
Estradiol 16.7 7.6-42.6 pg/mL 01

Testosterone, Serum 405 264-916 ng/dL

Alkaline Phosphatase, S 38 LOW 39-117 IU/L

BUN/Creatinine Ratio 22 HIGH 9-20

BUN 26 HIGH 6-24 mg/dL

LH 7.3 1.7-8.6 mIU/mL 01

FSH, Serum
FSH 6.2 1.5-12.4 mIU/mL

Here's my bloods LH FSH in range, My Test I guess I normal for my age. Half a century. lol

But My E2 is on the low side though it's in the range. I always noticed is being on the low range on the scale. But my BUN high which I think it might be my diet though it's related to our liver.

Any one have any input here possibly? Greatly appreciated. Biceps&Poontang!
From what I understand clomid will do nothing during a cycle. Clomid binds to receptors in the brain to increase the production of follicle stimulating hormone, FSH, and luteinizing hormone, LH. This helps your boys bounce back and produce T. While on a cycle your FSH and LH will not increase with clomid therefore making it a waste of money on a cycle. Your FSH and LH will be close to 0 on a cycle hence the reason your testicles atrophy. HCG will mimic LH which will help with atrophy and keep your testicles working more than without it. Best bet is to use HCG while on and be sure to keep your E2 in check. I have heard this from multiple sources. Google it as well
6'6" 253 pounds 18% body fat. I'm carb cycling now which I've done before with 3J. I know I need to get my body fat down to 15% but in this case I'll still be doing my carb cycling diet. Just right now I need to figure how much I am going to take each week. I have (AI) which I usually need if my test is high. But this time around I'll do more Tren then Test. I'll also do HCG twice a week. Probably Clomid to mid cycle. Just going ten weeks. I have caber but only going to use it if I see any sides from the Tren. But Since I've done tren 3 times already and not once have I had to use Caber. But it's there just in case. My biggest game is my E2, which typically is always low even off AAS. So when my results on my bloods come in, I'll see what to do. My last cycle I was at 100mg of test c and had to use .5 AI EOD but his cycle I might do .25 or 12.5 eod. Then after four weeks in I'll get my bloods done again and see where my e2 is at.
which ai are you taking and what dosages of hcg twice a week?
which ai are you taking and what dosages of hcg twice a week?

250 IU X 2 per weel = 500 on Tuesday's and Friday's and my Ai adex which i'm thinking 12.5 ed till I get my bloods done 4 weeks in on this cycle to check where my E2 is at. I always notice my E2 is usually tanked or always on the lower side of the spectrum when not on AAS. Mind you I have done cycles without any AI and never had a problem but till i started doing the right protocol with cycles getting my blood work done, i noticed my E2 was out of balance by a lot and played the game to figure out what amount works best.