Cloudy fina question?


Old Man
I made up some fina a few months ago and accidentally left it in the oven for a few hours at 250 degrees. I understand this has a lot to do with it being cloudy, but i havent used it yet and after sitting for awhile it now gets a dark "ring" around the bottom which i guess is the ba settling. It is very clear once that has settled on the bottom. But when i shake it to get the "ring" off the bottom it then makes the fina very cloudy again. Is everything ok and is it ok to have the fina sit after being converted after a few months?
Sounds pretty sketchy. BA will not settle out of solution on its own. The only thing that could happen to a healthy batch of tren is possibly the hormone crashing if solvents arent adequate or the temp is low in the room. Something sounds very off with this batch, although Ive never ran across this problem myself. Id Seriously consider refiltering the batch, and Im not all that convinced its good at all. Got any way to take some pics and post em?
if you used pellets it may be some fillers and binders that made it thru filtering. bro how you forget you had it in the oven? someone else left theirs on the burner to long. not calling names or anything.
It wasnt that cloudy when it was done, but after the leaving it in the oven WAY too long it was very cloudy. Thanks for the replies, it seems like it is best to just scrap it and get more stuff and do it again. Its cheap enuf so i might as well.
2horns said:
It wasnt that cloudy when it was done, but after the leaving it in the oven WAY too long it was very cloudy. Thanks for the replies, it seems like it is best to just scrap it and get more stuff and do it again. Its cheap enuf so i might as well.

theres nothing wrong with it. 250 for 3 hours didnt hurt anything. so what if its cloudy.