Collar Bone Problem

Rise No One

New member
I've had a history for having a radiating pain around my collarbone. Usually the pain starts in on the left side, but every now and then it will radiate over to the right as well.

Sometimes it's there and sometime's it's not. The pain only comes in heavy pressing movements. Most specifically Weighted Dips (Wide Grip). The pain comes on at the lockout portion of the rep.

Today the pain was so bad that it cut my entire lift session short. (Pissed off out of my mind) I started with dips. Noticed the pain was unbearable. Stopped. Tried closed grip Bench. Got 2 sets in. But still, on the lockout portion the pain continued.

I've posted this before as a question on probably a year ago or so. Got answers such as possible rotator cuff problems. It's never been this bad before to the point where I had to cut my entire workout short.

Thinking about seeing a chiropractor soon. . .
Does anyone have any insight on this?

I think you should first see an Orthopaedic doctor and they may even refer you to a specialist depending upon your condition. Keep us updated when you go.
Yep. Talk to an athletic trainer, physical therapist, or orthopod. Any of those should be able to help you, or refer you to someone who can.
You guys are right. Setting up an appointment for this upcoming Friday...

The reason I don't think it is rotator cuff related is that I took a month and a half break from lifting. Shouldn't something such as that healed in that time. I also do Rotator Cuff exercises after all my Chest workouts

Will drop a line after my Ortho session
At lock out position all of the weight bearing is done buy ligaments in your shoulder. Your Coroclavicular ligament probably has minute tears in it. If this ligament ripps or tears you will have a separated shoulder and alot of pain. Get some joint support supplements and see a physio to get rid of the scar tissue.