I'll share another experience with ya bro, I really thought I was gonna be in the same boat, trying to eat at the cafeteria and what not, but to be honest man, I was able to make it out pretty easy. I figured over the course of a semester I was gonna lose about 5-10lbs, which was really getting me down, fortunately, the goddamn scale at my gym was broken and re-broken over the entire semester and I only weighed myself maybe once....Bro I stayed the same weight throughout the whole duration. Try to eat at least 2 plates of what ever the protein source might be, and if their just having a shitty pasta only day or something, hit up the salad bar it's bound to have hard boiled eggs half'ed or quater'ed. Scarf some of those whites down, get in your carbs, and slam a cup or two of milk to compensate for a meat source, chances are that should only happen once or twice a day. If your worried about not having access to the milk(whey) sources PWO, I'd just go in with a 1lt sized water bottle and fill it up with chocolate milk and walk out before I finished a meal so you don't have to use to many of your swipes up. Hope this helped brother.