College Kid Diet needs help!


New member
My stats are 5'7, 215. I'm probably about 15% bf now, but I still look pretty good. Want to drop about 15-20 pounds. Question is, how can I do this when I can only manage to eat two, MAYBE 3 times a day. Our routine is normally

Classes till 1-2
Have first meal at Italian Shop (Italian Grinder and Slice of Pizza)
Lift, dick around until about 7-8
Either go to work or go out, usually eating something small (double cheeseburgers are often)
Work at the nightclub all night

I know this eating plan is pretty shitty, but its really all I can manage. I have no appetite to eat a bunch of times per day as I know full well I should, yet I am still growing consistently. Just need to start getting the fat down so I can be single digits by summer. Diet gurus please help! How can you fix a guy that has time for 2 or 3 meals a day tops, with a budget mind you?

Thanks again!!

Nicky :flipoffha
Hey man I am in college right now, played two years of IAA football before having a shoulder shouldery and calling it quits. I understand that it is a bitch to eat healthy in college because basically no one does. However i wanted to get very serious with my weight training and a shit diet doesnt cut it. I recommend making multiple servings at one time, sometimes for a whole week and refrigerate them in separate tupperwear containers (chicken\rice, pasta\meatsauce, or whatever else). This way you can have small, quick meals multiple times a day and still have a great diet. Also have a protein shake a few times so you equal your body weight. One more thing, get your ass up and make breakfast because that is the most important meal. Peace
i make three different dinners on sundays and store them in the fridge and freezer and just pop them in the micowave or on the stove its quick and easy, and cheaper than pizza.. also eggs take ten fifteen minutes.. so have some for breakfastthen get protein bars for after b4 or during your classes.. its what i do it works well i lost 5 lbs in one in a half weeks