Colomid 25mg


New member
So a while back I got my Test levels and LH levels taken. They came back with my free test at 69.9 pg/mL, and total at 466 pg/mL. LH levels were at 2.8. Since I'm 18, I thought they were low, doc said normal. With all the symptoms of low testosterone, he told me I was depressed... Anyway, been taking Clomid at 25mg every day for the last couple of weeks, and I must say, thank you to whoever suggested it as a great way to get test levels us off cycle. I haven't had blood work done again, however I know its working.

Balls easily doubled in size
Strength is slowly increasing
Retaining less water, not sure if its the clomid, but I'm always thirsty
Gaining weight again

So I'll see if I can get samples taken again, campus doctors are kind of skeptical of just randomly administering tests, but if I do I'll post the results.

Also, would you take those test levels as acceptable, given my age, just curious.

And thanks guys for keeping me off gear until I'm actually ready for it, since I know a lot of people don't actually like to listen to you when you say dont.