Combined 16week bulk/cut cycle


New member
I'm planning to start my 3rd cycle next year January and it is going to be pretty long. So far my plans look something like this.

1-4 Turinabol 20mg ED
1-14 Test-E 500mg/wk
10-14 Anavar 50mg ED
1-14 HCG 500iu/wk and 1000iu ED for ten days before PCT
1-16 Aromasin 12,5mg ED

Clomi 100/100/50/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20/20

Weeks 1-10 calorie intake should be 3000-4000 and weeks 10-16 2000-2500.
Lats six week are just to get rid of fat that comes from first ten weeks and to get leaner before summer.

I will be using Jay Cutler 8-week mass training program for first ten weeks and last six weeks 15 rep sets and some cardio.

What do you guys think?
so youre going to bulk without a maint phase and you think because youre on gear that makes it ok?
You really can't bulk and cut on the same cycle. Pick one or the other. Jay cutler himself would agree. 14 weeks really isn't a long cycle. Sure isn't a long time to be bulking and cutting. What exactly do you have in mind with this cycle?