Complete info on Beastdrol!

Would Unleashed & Post cycle from n2bm be enough post cycle therapy (pct)? Other than liver support what is reccomended to run while on cycle with it?
Do you guys suggest anything to run with beastdrol? As far as hormones go, I mean. Non-methyls like androhard, dermacrine or less toxic methyls like hdrol or low-dose epi??

I've been thinking lately lower dose superdrol is the way to go, stacked with something rather than a higher dose superdrol only cycle.
Do you guys suggest anything to run with beastdrol? As far as hormones go, I mean. Non-methyls like androhard, dermacrine or less toxic methyls like hdrol or low-dose epi??

I've been thinking lately lower dose superdrol is the way to go, stacked with something rather than a higher dose superdrol only cycle.

I'd add in PhytoSerms-347 or dermacrine
I see I'm reviving a bit of an old thread, but I have a question pertaining to beastdrol myself.

My questions is, does it matter if I take the dose at different times, or the same everday?

I ask because I workout in the mornings on Tue, Thur and evenings for the rest due to my occupation. I want to make sure I get the best out of this cycle when I decide to go on, but I get concerned of how long it stays in your system.
Do you guys suggest anything to run with beastdrol? As far as hormones go, I mean. Non-methyls like androhard, dermacrine or less toxic methyls like hdrol or low-dose epi??

I've been thinking lately lower dose superdrol is the way to go, stacked with something rather than a higher dose superdrol only cycle.

id rec teste or testcyp along with it 100%

wk1-12 500mg teste ew
wk1-6 20mg bestdrol ed (or 30mg ed wk1-4)
wk14-18 PCT

or possibly though i dont like short cycles myself and short esters are not my fav ether:
wk1-8 100mg testp eod
wk1-6 20mg beastdrol ed
I see I'm reviving a bit of an old thread, but I have a question pertaining to beastdrol myself.

My questions is, does it matter if I take the dose at different times, or the same everday?

I ask because I workout in the mornings on Tue, Thur and evenings for the rest due to my occupation. I want to make sure I get the best out of this cycle when I decide to go on, but I get concerned of how long it stays in your system.

Id say you wouldent notice ANYTHING diffrent from moving doses around a couple hours form day to day. just split the dose into 2 and take a few hrs apart done.
dont over complicate a simple thing. ;-)
take one a few hours after waking up and another dose a couple hrs PreWO.
Id say you wouldent notice ANYTHING diffrent from moving doses around a couple hours form day to day. just split the dose into 2 and take a few hrs apart done.
dont over complicate a simple thing. ;-)
take one a few hours after waking up and another dose a couple hrs PreWO.

Ha, I'm in IT I over analyze/complicate EVERYTHING lol...

Joking aside, thanks for the help. I'm only planing on taking two to start, so I'll do one am one pm as suggested.
I recommend not taking a dose too late in the day....gave me some insomnia....took mine at 5 am and 2pm and had awesome results with no insomnia after that.
soo temped on running it soon but i think im gonna have to wait till later in summer as im tempted to try out this idea, I want to run tbol and Anavar (var) since I have a bit of each, somthing like 30-40mg tbol ed/ 20mg Anavar (var) ed for 6 wks while cutting a bit alogn with test and maybe mast.
but damin I love the beastdrol its hard to not pick it over just about all orals for me.
T-bol and Anavar (var) sound like a great summer cycle...might have to give it a shot myself

I figured why not i dont have much Anavar (var) , and i got it as a gift and dont wany to buy any as id rather get tbol for my$ but already have tbol so hey Anavar (var) /tbol :-P

started up the mast with my test and need2slin. gonna stert Anavar (var) /tbol today i think :-P

mild, effective and hopfully help take me out of the winter blues i get. (why i dont want to run tren right now) even though i lov eit it do tend to make me feel a bit less happy, and after about 10 weeks tired and a bit moody, usually when i stop running it .

ill let you know how it goes. though i wish i had a bit more Anavar (var) to bump it 40mg Anavar (var) 30mg tbol. mehhh