Complex Carbs???


New member
What sort of foods are Complex Carbs?

I've been eating healthy with regular pasta, rice, potatoes, cheerios for brekky, wholemeal toast and peanut butter, ect.....

So are these Carbs I'm intaking no good?
for complex carbs take in oats,rice, potatoes, pasta. bread is ok for bulking but dump the cheerios it has high fructose corn syrup. replace the cheerios with old fashioned oats.
I like cereal for breakfast. I dont mind high GI carbs at all first thing in the morning, just as I like high GI carbs directly after training.
I agree no biggie with the cereal in my book first thing in the morning. I typically either go with:

Option 1:
Cereal and Non Fat milk w/protein powder (if im not hungry) or

Option 2:
Oatmeal w/raisins and honey + 10 egg whites and 2 whole eggs

but with your question your on the right path. Even though i wouldn't classify natural peanut butter a significant carb source.