concerns about dianabol liver toxicity


New member
Dear friends,

I have some concerns about the liver toxicity of dianabol

In particular, i noticed that some compounds considered milder on the liver than dianabol as, for instance anavar and turinabol, are used at the suggested dose of 50-70mg/day ....In contrast dianabol at 20-30 mg/day seems the standard protocol.....

My question is: is really more liver toxic dianabol at 20-30mg/day than anavar or turinabol at 50-70mg/day??

Note that i m only speaking in terms of liver toxicity and not in terms of other sides

Thank you in advance
Your also comparing them by weight. Just because something weighs 20mgs compared to something else that is 50 mgs more doesn't necessarily mean its not less toxic.

U drink a 12oz beer. Your most likely fine. Drink 12oz of 151. Your going to be pretty fucked up.
Thank you tbonexl. In conclusion you are telling that 20mg/day dbol for 5-6 weeks is much more liver toxic than 50-60 mg/day anavar or tbol for the same amount of weeks i right?

I'm not necessarily saying that at all. If your that worried about liver toxicity then get a liver support which is a good idea while on orals. Look into nac. Or just don't take orals. I don't except for ai's, da's and pct.