confused about cut


New member
hey guys, this is my new diet ive done up for a cut, i'm aware that i have to drop 400cals. Do i drop most carbs and add protein or ill be fine just dropping some carbs???? thanks

fat/carbs/ pro/ cals

3 eggs 15.2 / 1.9 / 18.6/ = 205.5
1 cup oats 8 / / 50 / 10 / = 300
250ml lite milk- 3.8 / 12 / 9.2 = 119.4
15ml olive oil 13.7 / 0 / 0 = 123.5
1 banana- 0 / 25 / 1.1 = 90

1st break at work
175g turkey breast - 7.9 / 4.5 / 33.1 / 218.8
4 multi grain bread - 3.6 / 56.4 / 10.8 = 314.3
20 g margarine -13 / 2 / 2 / = 114

185g chicken breast- 1.8 / 0.2 / 28.5 = 131.2
250g sweet potatoe - 0.2 / 38 / 5 = 175

home from work - pre/w
3 eggs - 15.2 / 1.9 / 18.6 = 205.5
1 apple - 0.2 / 25.7 / 0.6 = 80

whey shake- 1 / 4 / 24 = 120
2 slices white bread - 1.6 / 38.8 / 6.7 = 197
1 banana 0/ 25 / 1.1 / 90

225g steak - 9.2/ 0/ 49.5 = 281.2
green vegies

cottage cheese- 4.4 / 12.2/ 20/ =170

94g 297g 233g 2867
fat is more satiating than carbs or protein. i like to get good fat in the diet (MUFA) and keep protein high. personally, i avoid bread entirely. why margarine? why "lite" milk? go with whole milk. i prefer coconut oil, lard (or bacon fat), ghee, and olive oil for fats.
thanks for the quick reply couch and mispronounced.
That makes sense, I'll drop the bread, buy whole milk and up the turkey breast. That will even out nice. Is a banana enough carbs to get post w/o?
yes carbs are vital post workout, your body is still burning energy and if you have no carbs pre workout or post workout your body will turn catabolic, plain and simple without enough carbs your body wont grow to its full potential.
A banana is fine. I try to get some straight dextrose/sucrose afterwards and some creatine, along with protein. Use your imagination, lots of post-wo supps fit this. Avoid fructose, it's harder to digest per unit energy. But yes a banana is good for carbs and something like a chicken breast or some ground beef (I keep patties in the fridge for just this purpose). Avoid fats for 30-ish minutes post workout.
here's what i would do.. remove all carbs from all meals excpet bfast, pre and post workout.. so keep carbs to 150g a day... bfast and pre are to be complex.. post is to be simple carbs.. replace any calories lost with fats in meals that are not bfast, pre, and post workout

this is the PRN (as needed) approach to cutting when it comes down to carbs.. and it works well
thankyou everyone that replied. For weight loss, is 1lb a week good to go off so i know i'm losing fat not muscle?
Personally I think 1lb a week is aggressive. The more aggressive you go, the harder it is to keep off afterwards. I find this with a lot of our athletes. They set a short term goal of wanting to lose 10-15lbs, hit the goal, and then it's back in 6-9 months. There are a lot of threads like this so I am probably confusing things -- but I don't see goals. You have room to grow in your frame; maybe a recomp here makes more sense? Burn fat, but don't go too aggressive, and train hard.

But that's just me -- I really, really hate running at a deficit.
My goal is to drop bf% to see my abs. I'm worried I'm going to lose to much mass. My arms/shoulders look ok, just got a layer of skin on my stomach and back. Recomp? Is that where I stay at maintenance? Sorry about all the questions. Thanks again
Recomping is where your weight stays the same because you are burning fat and adding muscle. People that get too focused on the number on the scale forget that what they're interested in is the way they look, not the number. Unless they're in a sport with weight classes.
keep your protein high and you wont lose to much mass, chicken/lean beef, just try cut sugars out all together, try stay all natural with what you eat, NO JUNK FOOD.
Personally i find if you loose it slower you wont loose much muscle mass, oh ya forget about high intensity cardio, stay low intensity to try keep as much muscle as possible!
Drop the egg yokes too. No reason for the extra fat and cholesterol in your breakfast. Put the fats into another meal or save yourself the 100 calories.
:dance2:Hi guys and galls
I am 60 years old on my second cycle
I can do 10 to 12 wide grip pull ups 7 to 8 sets no problem.
I don't even have to do crunches my abs are so hard.
Here is good advise for us all.

Whether you're heading to the gym for a cardio or weightlifting session, you need to make sure that you eat the right foods beforehand in order to maximize your efforts and results. In addition to ensuring that you are properly hydrated by drinking 20 ounces of water an hour before working out, as well as replenishing lost fluids during and after your workout, you should also have an adequate meal to keep your energy levels high.

Pre-exercise meals should be mainly composed of "slow-burning" complex carbs, such as fruits, vegetables, whole-grain bread, rice, pasta, and cereals. Given that they are your body's main source of energy, 65% to 70% of the total calories of your pre-workout meal should come from carbs. Complex carbs take longer to convert to glucose, which will keep your blood sugar level consistent and prevent you from having an energy crash in the middle of your workout.

In addition, 15% of the total calories of your meal should come from protein. Because fat takes longer to digest, and therefore uses more energy than protein and carbs, it should be kept to a minimum immediately before a workout.

Avoid simple sugars, such as candy, in the hour before your workout. They can send your blood sugar level shooting down, leading to a severe drop in energy.

Another factor in deciding what to eat is the amount of time between your meal and your workout. A big meal of 1,000 to 1,500 calories takes three to four hours to digest and convert into energy, whereas a smaller meal of about 600 calories will take two to three hours. A small snack under 300 calories will only take about an hour.

Here are 10 foods that will give you the kick you need to make it through your workout.
Number 10
The bioactive compounds tyramine and phenylethylamine found in chocolate can provide you with an energy boost for an intense exercise session. However, chocolate is packed with sugar, calories, fat, and caffeine, so don't go overboard. Your best bet is dark chocolate; it contains the fewest calories and the most antioxidants.

What to eat:1 snack-sized Hershey bar (70 calories, 9 grams carbs, 1 gram protein, 3 grams fat).
Number 9
Carbohydrate energy gels
These convenient little gel packets provide a dose of concentrated carbs, roughly equivalent to half a bagel. As they don't contain any protein, fat or fiber, energy gels are absorbed into your bloodstream faster and are much easier to digest than solid food. They are ideal for runners, and any other athletes that require quick bursts of energy to make it through high-intensity workouts.

What to eat:1 Packet PowerBar PowerGel (110 calories, 26 grams carbs, 0 grams protein, 0 grams fat).
Number 8
Bananas and other fruits
Although it is widely believed that the sugar in bananas can make you fat, it is actually a very digestible form of carbohydrate. Furthermore, bananas are packed with potassium, which aids in maintaining proper nerve and muscle function. Since your body doesn't store this nutrient for long periods, an intense workout is enough to make your potassium level drop. Apples, peaches, pineapples, and grapes are also good choices for an energizing snack.

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I drown my chicken in BBQ sauce, I will stop that as of today. Looking forward to this, hope it goes as I'm picturing.

COUCH... I'm lucky to weigh myself once a week, I much prefer to use the mirror
INFECTION... Will do, I got myself some almonds today so will drop some yolks and have egg whites
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I drown my chicken in BBQ sauce, I will stop that as of today. Looking forward to this, hope it goes as I'm picturing.

COUCH... I'm lucky to weigh myself once a week, I much prefer to use the mirror
INFECTION... Will do, I got myself some almonds today so will drop some yolks and have egg whites

good call with the bbq sauce. be careful with the almonds though. they are a very healthy source of fats, but the calories add up quickly. two large handfuls of almonds can easily be 500 calories. snack on them while watching tv and you could easily add 1500 calories to your diet without even knowing it
I'm just going to have 30g to 50g of almonds with my cottage cheese before bed.
My shoulders looked a bit smaller today, my mrs says its in my head but I don't think so. Am I always going to start looking smaller until my bf% drops -12%?