Considering first cycle. Advice appreciated


New member
I've been into power lifting for a couple years now, and for the past year other than deloading I haven't missed a gym session. I'm 6'2" 230. Bench 300, squat 425, deadlift 500.

I've done Dr prescribed test before. I was on 200 mg a week. Had to stop because it was killing me on insurance.

I'm looking into deca and Dbol but I'm really unsure of dosage considering my only experience or feel is having done 200 mg of testosterone. A lot of recommended dosage is 500 on test while stacking Deca and Dbol. I feel like I could easily have handled double the dosage on test.

Anyways, I'm looking for any pointers in the matter. Maybe even suggestions at other steroids?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.
I've been into power lifting for a couple years now, and for the past year other than deloading I haven't missed a gym session. I'm 6'2" 230. Bench 300, squat 425, deadlift 500.

I've done Dr prescribed test before. I was on 200 mg a week. Had to stop because it was killing me on insurance.

I'm looking into deca and Dbol but I'm really unsure of dosage considering my only experience or feel is having done 200 mg of testosterone. A lot of recommended dosage is 500 on test while stacking Deca and Dbol. I feel like I could easily have handled double the dosage on test.

Anyways, I'm looking for any pointers in the matter. Maybe even suggestions at other steroids?

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

Welcome to the forums! How old are you?
Thank you! Just turned 33.

I've been reading into it a lot. I held off to a point where I knew the gym was something I wouldn't eventually skip out on. I've even cut weight to maybe ease the load on my knees with the weight gain.

I have a good medical history so I'm not really worried about bad side effects.

I'm just at a point where it's kind of like... Shit or get off the pot.

And DucBase, thanks for that link!

Also, this isn't the first time in my life I've lifted. Just the last two years is the first time I've gotten into powerlifting. I was in the marines and have remained in the same shape since I got out. So I know my way around the gym and general fitness and nutrition.
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First cycle... keep it nice and easy... Test E @ 500mg weekly split into 2 x 250mg doses....

You'll need an AI to counter estrogen and could also do with HCG to keep your nuts full and aid a speedy recovery.

Grab some Clomid and Nolvadex for your PCT (Post Cycle Therapy) and you're good to go.

Welcome to 'Ology brother!
No previous health problems has nothing to do with possible sides on a cycle. Neither does knowing your way around a gym. Your putting hormones in your body that weren't supposed to be there at that level. Be smart and read up on things...