Construction Job Diet


New member
Im working as a full time electrician during the summer, then back to 2 days a week while i go to school. I really need some advice as what i can eat for about 3 of my meals during the day. im trying to bulk and i need some calories. i don't have a microwave so like.. sandwiches? tuna? maybe some mass gainer shakes? ...guess i could set some food in the sun to warm up?

First meal is at 6 then to work from 7am-3:30pm so i figure i can eat another meal at 9am, lunch at 11am, then again at 2:30pm. Can anyone else relate this this situation? its really a pain in the ass. i've even tried wagging my microwave to and from home everyday. please help guys thanks
Heres 2:

8oz chicken/ 7 oz yams

8oz lean ground beef/ 1.5 cups of brown rice

Cook for the week on Sunday nights and portion it out. I buy 3 kg of chicken breasts, 3kg ground beef, and about 4-5 kg of yams per week. I spend about 2 hrs to cook everything up and the rest of the week is easy, just eat.
I also cook my meals on sunday,
I eat at 7h, 10h, 12h30, 3h, 5h30, 8h then before bed usually at 10pm.

I prepare my 10h(am) 12h30 & 3h meals on sunday then have the 5h30 meal ready to portion in the fridge
my meals usually consists of 260g (when cooked) sweet potato
145g (when cooked) chicken breast
1 can of tuna (aprx 120g drained)
155g (when steamed) broccoli & cauliflowers.

I used to work in carpentry last year and would eat my meals cold, now I work for a furniture store (delivering furniture) and still eat cold and always have to bring meals for when I'm on the road!

When there's a will, there's a way!
I am also on site in the construction industry, I made a massive amount of chicken and red bean chili, like a stew.

I heat it very hot just before I leave in the morning and it's still warm by the time I need to have lunch.

I have a big breakfast in the morning close to 1000 calories
Pwo shake
Whey protein shake
Meal at about 5

I also have quite a lot of milk in between, I have always struggled with bulking but the milk this time around has really made a massive difference.
I work construction and I just pull it out of the fridge in the morning and keep it in my bag, if I have time to sit down and eat it warm, I will, if not, cold chicken and a baked potato are finger foods in my book and great while on the run.

lots of chicken and beef, I cook 2 times a week and every morning I weigh/portion the meals for the day in rubbermaid containers. Preparation is key!
Im working as a full time electrician during the summer, then back to 2 days a week while i go to school. I really need some advice as what i can eat for about 3 of my meals during the day. im trying to bulk and i need some calories. i don't have a microwave so like.. sandwiches? tuna? maybe some mass gainer shakes? ...guess i could set some food in the sun to warm up?

First meal is at 6 then to work from 7am-3:30pm so i figure i can eat another meal at 9am, lunch at 11am, then again at 2:30pm. Can anyone else relate this this situation? its really a pain in the ass. i've even tried wagging my microwave to and from home everyday. please help guys thanks

Great suggestions so far. Other carb sources that keep well in a cooler are bananas, apples, Ezekiel bread, and carrots. As others have mentioned, brocolli, leftover potatoes, cold rice work well too.

For protein, you can use protein bars sparingly along with all of the meats mentioned that will all taste good chilled.

Nuts are a good choice for portable fats. I like macadami nuts, almonds, walnuts, and pistachios.
Cook things in bulk. A couple times a week, go to the store and stock up on a shit ton of meat and veggies.

Put the meat into the oven, and while that's cooking you can cook up the vegetables however you want (or eat them raw). When everything is done, pop it into the fridge. Before you leave in the morning, grab some containers and throw some meat in along with some of the veggies. Put the containers in a cooler and you're gtg.

the best carb sources to cook in bulk (for ease) are probably sweet potatoes and rice
I grill 5lbs of chicken every Sunday an make 2 boxes of whole wheat pasta. Just buy 3-4 small Tupperware containers and toss in some pasta and chicken, I eat it cold at work. Every morning make up your 3 meals for the job site (I eat 3 meals at home and 3 at work) . Never had a problem using my small igloo cooler.