Contaminated Test prop. from Axio labs !?!??

Axio´s reply to the pictures i sent them, they really do seem surprised to me.
I must say that i think the comtamination really IS a rare exception :

Bro that is absolutely terrible. I assure you this is an extreme exception. I am
embarassed and I apologize on behalf of our company. Our equipment is extremely
sophisticated and is supposed to pick up any impurities. I have sent a copy of
these images to the equipment manufacturer as they have made us look bad.

Please tell me where this was purchased and we will send double products back to
you at no charge.

Your Quality lab of choice
They couldn't even control the quality for their first lots ... this says a lot.

best would have been the product to be sent to Lab test and ask for nature of impurity. Getting 2 vials when the first one was contaminated isn't the greatest thing.
Nasdaq said:
If it were me ..Id contact source and send pics before i posted it on the net.too late for that obviously.shit happens, thats why I won't inject from an amber vial..I examine all my gear very closely before pulling from the vial.

most likely he'll replace if not then he's a scumbag and deserves to get e thrashed ...I see the bd resemblence in the fonts and lettering of the label.
couldent have said it better myself there was no need to post the pic
Green888 said:
Latest Update:

My friend recieved 2 new Test Prop from axio as compensation.


If in their ultra GMP lab skipped an eye visible contaminations, what makes you think that the new ones received are not infested with microscopic impurities?
Green888 said:
i have just recieved the following mail from Axio labs:

Welcome to Axiolabs the most advanced lab you will find supporting our athletic

We thank you for your interest and look forward to being your product of choice
in years to come.

We cannot log in to the site you referred as we dont have membership there.
Because we produce our products in a GMP laboratory there is very little chance
of anything non-sterile floating in our oil. We take extreme precaution to bring
you the highest quality product.

We would greatly appreciate it if you would email us the images of your friends
oil vial as we paid a lot of money for equipment to ensure this does not happen.
Please email these images to If this is in fact the case we
will send you double what you ordered with our sincerest apologies. You can be
assured this will not happen again. As you can see we pay attention to every
detail to ensure you receive the best quality product. Please make sure to send
us the serial number of the oil vial as well so we can trace it back to the
exact moment of manufacture.

We look forward to hearing from you
Your Quality lab of choice

Wow......I just saw this thread.

I have to say I am most impressed with customer service. But I would still be leary of ordering from them.
winny said:
If in their ultra GMP lab skipped an eye visible contaminations, what makes you think that the new ones received are not infested with microscopic impurities?

you are right, i cant be sure of that...but lucky for me im not the one using bold friend is :)
i would ditch it and get hg product, like Nordic or Farmak. prop is cheap, even hg. why is your bud risking his body to infection?
Winny; you're a fucking monkey boy!!

As far as the thread goes, i'm currently using Axio and their customer service is amazing, along with their product.
PARKER27 said:
Winny; you're a fucking monkey boy!!

As far as the thread goes, i'm currently using Axio and their customer service is amazing, along with their product.

You are at least idiot to not consider possible what i have wrote. But you must have interest in the brand, i am sure of it :rolleyes2 but untill then go bump this poop contaminated elsewere.

And what is so amazing? just look at their presentation, didnt even have money to invest in a unique top, they put 3 cents each TEAR UP or FLIP OFF. wonder how they got the money to have a GMP lab. or is a new wave GMP that leaves also some extra ingredients like shit inside.
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winny said:
You are at least idiot to not consider possible what i have wrote. But you must have interest in the brand, i am sure of it :rolleyes2 but untill then go bump this poop contaminated elsewere.

And what is so amazing? just look at their presentation, didnt even have money to invest in a unique top, they put 3 cents each TEAR UP or FLIP OFF. wonder how they got the money to have a GMP lab. or is a new wave GMP that leaves also some extra ingredients like shit inside.
Instead of wasting your precious time making assumptions, it would be far more beneficial for you to attend school; perhaps night school. Learn proper english, this includes spelling, context, etc. You can have a thought without pounding away at your keyboard. I promise!

I feel as if though people, and businesses are entiltled to make mistakes. However, it's not the size of the error, but the degree of efficiency with the way the error was handled. In axio's defense; it was handled with professionalism. BTW, I have 0 stock in Axio labs.... I just feel they provide excellent service.
It looks like he already used it? so he will know soon if he gets an abcess that it wasnt sterile or if it was ok to use or not.
Not a fan of that brand at all. I would not use anything that has something floating in it. If you do use it press it through a .22micron filter and bake the gear in the oven at 250 degrees F for 45 min to an hour to help sterilize it.
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