New member
Hey guys, Im new to this forum so let me introduce myself. I'm 5'8, 200lbs and currently 15-16% body fat (recently had pneumonia, lost 8lbs of mass and put on some unfortunate body fat) I'm 26 and I've been lifting steady for 2 years and on and off for 6 years. I'm currently working on doing my second contest prep for April 13th. I'm looking to start at 20 weeks out as I have a little more body fat to drop and prefer the slow steady method of dieting. I've ran 5 cycles in the past and I've used Test E, Cyp and Prop, Winstrol (winny), Anavar, Dbol, EQ, Tren Ace, clen, T3 and I've always used clomid and Adex for post cycle therapy (pct). I'd like some feedback on what I'm planning as my contest cycle.
Week 1-4 Test Prop 150mg 3x week (as opposed to kick starting with an oral)
Week 1-4 Test E 750mg/week and from week 5-14 1000mg/week
Week 15-20 Test Prop 200mg/eod
Week 15-20 Tren Ace 150mg/eod
Week 13-20 Winstrol (winny) 50mg/ed
Week 9-20 clen 120mcg/ed (3 weeks on 1 week off)
Week 9-20 Adex 1mg ed
Pct: clomid 100/100/50/50
Adex 1mg ed for 4 weeks
Thoughts? I usually run EQ with my test but I'm trying to stay budget friendly and use as little as possible while putting more money into my diet.
Week 1-4 Test Prop 150mg 3x week (as opposed to kick starting with an oral)
Week 1-4 Test E 750mg/week and from week 5-14 1000mg/week
Week 15-20 Test Prop 200mg/eod
Week 15-20 Tren Ace 150mg/eod
Week 13-20 Winstrol (winny) 50mg/ed
Week 9-20 clen 120mcg/ed (3 weeks on 1 week off)
Week 9-20 Adex 1mg ed
Pct: clomid 100/100/50/50
Adex 1mg ed for 4 weeks
Thoughts? I usually run EQ with my test but I'm trying to stay budget friendly and use as little as possible while putting more money into my diet.