contest: Why am i not losing weight?!!?? Winner will get free gear!


New member
My stats:
age: 28
height/weight/bodyfat: 5"5, 180lbs, 13% bodyfat

Background Info:
cycle im on: Test p 100mg eod, Mast p 150mg eod, 100mg var ed
been dieting for two weeks and 0 weight loss which is very weird

my diet:
breakfast: 1 cup oats, 1 scoop isoflex, 1 tablesppon all natty peanutbutter

Lunch: 6ounces tip sirlion steak (very lean with fat fat after)

Preworkout: 1 cup oats, 2 scoops isoflex

post workout: 40g dextrose, 2 scoops isoflex

bedtime: 2 chicken breasts (50g protein)

**I train 5 days a week, on the two off days i lower carbs to only breakfast which will be 1 cup oats. Aswell im doing cardio postworkout**

NOW AS FOR THE CONTEST: The person who can lead me in the right direction (we will know after 1 week of dieting if i drop weight or not), i will order 200$ worth of gear for them (from w/e source they choose), or send them 200$ via post or w/e method works for them. THANKS!
you arent losing weight because you are taking in more calories than you are burning. could be that simple.

another also (more) likely possibility is water weight from the gear. im guessing you arent running an AI? so you might have lost some fat, yet gained some water retention. so the scale has stayed the same. any bloat going on?
yes im running .5mg adex eod. I HIGHLY doubt thats the problem im not eating much. Perhaps im just carb sensitive and i should do CKD.
In my opinion your not eating enough spaced throughout the day and your metabolism has slowed down. Try this it should work breakfast 2 eggs and one pc toast with 3 tbsp peanut butter drink water
In between meal. Low cal protein shake, low carb protein bar ( 4 ozs meat still hungry)
Lunch steak 8 oz ok add 6 oz vegetable to it and 6 ozs fruit
Pre workout 15 to 20 grams of protein through meat And dracs pwo drink (This stuff is unreal)
you can eat 1 bananna during workout if you hungry
post workout eat a light meal 6 oz chicken, fish or red meat small veggie and a bannana
Before bedtime low cal protein shake.
Drink water period nothing else.
If you workout hard and sweat during entire workout, plus get your heartrate up to speed when doing cardio. (meaning run faster) pounds will fall off. Good luck
also, what is isoflex?

is that a protein power/ multi/ what?

if that is high calorie, it could be part of the problem, since you have a lot of it each day
Way too many shakes. You should limit it to one shake post workout. Take 1/2 cup oats in the morning with 8 or so egg whites, take out the PB. Bring in 40g carbs with second meal...switch the steak and the pre-bed chicken. Cut oats down to 1/2 cup for pre-workout and bring in some tuna or chicken instead of the shake. Throw in another fatty meal after post-workout meal (steak and avocado/pb). Switch to cardio first thing in the morning before you eat. Weigh yourself in the morning after you go to the bathroom and before you eat or drink anything.

These are small changes, 3j would give you more advice. Try these and you will drop some weight.
My stats:
age: 28
height/weight/bodyfat: 5"5, 180lbs, 13% bodyfat

Background Info:
cycle im on: Test p 100mg eod, Mast p 150mg eod, 100mg Anavar (var) ed
been dieting for two weeks and 0 weight loss which is very weird

my diet:
breakfast: 1 cup oats, 1 scoop isoflex, 1 tablesppon all natty peanutbutter

Lunch: 6ounces tip sirlion steak (very lean with fat fat after)

Preworkout: 1 cup oats, 2 scoops isoflex

post workout: 40g dextrose, 2 scoops isoflex

bedtime: 2 chicken breasts (50g protein)

**I train 5 days a week, on the two off days i lower carbs to only breakfast which will be 1 cup oats. Aswell im doing cardio postworkout**

NOW AS FOR THE CONTEST: The person who can lead me in the right direction (we will know after 1 week of dieting if i drop weight or not), i will order 200$ worth of gear for them (from w/e source they choose), or send them 200$ via post or w/e method works for them. THANKS!

Obviously its the 40g dextrose lose that and lose the weight
You may be in a calorie deficit, but that does not mean that you are going to lose weight. Often times people who are dieting build muscle whilst losing fat. They are dissapointed because they don't see any change in scale weight. What they don't realize is that a pound of muscle contains less than a fifth of the calories that a pound of fat does. One pound of fat is 3500 calories, while a pound of muscle is only about 600. This is because muscle is about 80% water, whilst fat is pretty much just adipose.

If you are in a calorie deficit and are not losing weight then it is the change in body composition. Check your body fat percent using calipers to see if you're recomping. Lastly,

focus on the mirror, not the scale.