New member
Quick bio:
I am from a small country town and lifting was lifting and competing was never really something i wanted to get into. Then about 5 years ago i moved to Florida and the lifting scene is a lot bigger deal here. So my workouts stepped up a notch and i began following diet along with training. Then mens physique came out and i jumped on it and have been pretty successful at it thus far. But there is the problem i am becoming bored of it and am ready for the next challenge; bodybuilding. I feel like men's physique is such a down grade for all the hard work you put into it. I enjoying eating big and lifting bigger and want to make the jump. Please check out the pics in my profile.
age- 28
heights- 6'0"
weight- currently 221
body fat- 7 to 8 percent
pictures in bio are 195 3 to 4 percent bf
Diet- Macro 40/30/30 and 50/30/20
i have been training for 10 years and 5 of those years have been serious with diet on check and training not skipping a beat. I am a personal trainer and would not call my self a expert but am familiar with the fitness industry. i am also studying pre-med so that also helps. I have run 5 cycles with equal time off as on.
1 deca test cycle
2 anavar test e cycle
3 deca test c cycle
4 tren test p win cycle
5 deca dbol test c cycle
I have competed in three men's physique shows in the past three years, two of them being national qualifiers level 5- 1st place in both and the third being jr nationals- placing 10+ place (came in to big). I have decided i want to make the jump into body building, i feel like men's physique is a slap in the face for all the hard work in training and diet. I want to walk on stage and show off my hard earned physique. So my next challenge is bodybuilding.
Plans for next cycle
12 week
1-12 100 test p eod
1-10 150 tren ace eod
and i want to add something else......NO DBOL horrible sides
1-12 arimidex start .5 eod and add to it if i need to
13-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) clomid and nolva
Here is my thought process. lean bulk for the summer and heavy bulk for this winter 8 weeks in between and cycles and blood work. Oh and just got my blood work back and everything is great, doc said i am good and healthy. I believe that short or long ester either or it doesn't matter, its all about the diet. And tren is great for bulk or leaning.

I am from a small country town and lifting was lifting and competing was never really something i wanted to get into. Then about 5 years ago i moved to Florida and the lifting scene is a lot bigger deal here. So my workouts stepped up a notch and i began following diet along with training. Then mens physique came out and i jumped on it and have been pretty successful at it thus far. But there is the problem i am becoming bored of it and am ready for the next challenge; bodybuilding. I feel like men's physique is such a down grade for all the hard work you put into it. I enjoying eating big and lifting bigger and want to make the jump. Please check out the pics in my profile.
age- 28
heights- 6'0"
weight- currently 221
body fat- 7 to 8 percent
pictures in bio are 195 3 to 4 percent bf
Diet- Macro 40/30/30 and 50/30/20
i have been training for 10 years and 5 of those years have been serious with diet on check and training not skipping a beat. I am a personal trainer and would not call my self a expert but am familiar with the fitness industry. i am also studying pre-med so that also helps. I have run 5 cycles with equal time off as on.
1 deca test cycle
2 anavar test e cycle
3 deca test c cycle
4 tren test p win cycle
5 deca dbol test c cycle
I have competed in three men's physique shows in the past three years, two of them being national qualifiers level 5- 1st place in both and the third being jr nationals- placing 10+ place (came in to big). I have decided i want to make the jump into body building, i feel like men's physique is a slap in the face for all the hard work in training and diet. I want to walk on stage and show off my hard earned physique. So my next challenge is bodybuilding.
Plans for next cycle
12 week
1-12 100 test p eod
1-10 150 tren ace eod
and i want to add something else......NO DBOL horrible sides
1-12 arimidex start .5 eod and add to it if i need to
13-16 Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) clomid and nolva
Here is my thought process. lean bulk for the summer and heavy bulk for this winter 8 weeks in between and cycles and blood work. Oh and just got my blood work back and everything is great, doc said i am good and healthy. I believe that short or long ester either or it doesn't matter, its all about the diet. And tren is great for bulk or leaning.