converting winstrol ?


New member
If I have 10 grams of Winstrol (winny) powder, can't I just weigh out a half a gram divide it into 10 equal portions and fill capsules with those portions. that would be roughly 50 mg's per cap right? some one said that I caan't just take the powder. why?
i said u could take the powders, but what i was saying is that itd be a massive pain in the arse to do every day over, and so much more efficient to convert to an oral liquid.....
IMO, liquid oral Winstrol (winny) is so much easier to ingest, as itll be 50mg/ will have to just draw, squirt and chase with juice or water....compared to weighing the powder, scooping it up and losing some in the process, then put in mouth or water or whatever...and try to get it all down....losing some more int he process....
you are right, it is a pain in the ass. the solution sounds way easier. I don't need any special kit or solution do I
you will need a solvent.

you can use peg200, 300, or 400

you can use water and a surfactant, like polysorbate 80

you can use everlcear, but i am not a fan of this one.
gymphreak said:
warning....Peg tastes like ass!

haha, true. i guess you can't have it all. nice thing about peg is that you can hold high concentrations. you can get close to 150mg/ml, and only have to measure out .33cc per dose.

w/ everclear, it STILL tastes like ass, but you would need at least a full cc if not more to get your 50mg dose.

chase it w. oj and greet the day w/ a smile:)

i think the water/ps80 would be the best way to go, but have not had a chance to try it yet.

Can anyone comment on ps80 taste?
Im surprised at how well my Winstrol (winny) came out. Made 100ml at 100mg/ml. Took a cup put 10 grams of Winstrol (winny), measured out 100ml of everclear and squirted it in. At first it just clumped together into little rocks, but I took a metal spoon and kept grinding at it. After a few min I broke up the rocks into powder. Now I just shake it up when ever I take it and I have a great suspension. Very very proud of it. I was considering capping it but after making this suspension I dont think Ill ever cap anything.
i don't know. I used to have a link to it, but never got it. i just haven't looked back into it. maybe now is a good time.
PS80 shown to be 7x more anabolic than TEST!!!

Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Polysorbate 80 (CAS No. 9005-65-6) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Feed Studies)


Chemical Formula: C64H124O26 - 3D Structure*
*To view structure, download free Chemscape Chime Plug-in

Polysorbate 80 is a nonionic surfactant used widely as an additive in foods, pharmaceutical preparations, and cosmetics as an emulsifier, dispersant, or stabilizer. Toxicity and carcinogenicity studies were conducted by administering polysorbate 80 (which met all compendial specifications) in feed to groups of F344/N rats and B6C3F1 mice of each sex for 14 days, 13 weeks, and 2 years. Genetic toxicology studies were conducted in Salmonella typhimurium.

14-Day Studies
Groups of five rats and five mice of each sex received diets containing 0, 3,000, 6,000, 12,500, 25,000, or 50,000 ppm polysorbate 80. All animals survived to the end of the studies. The mean body weight change of male rats that received 50,000 ppm was significantly lower than that of the controls. The mean body weight changes in all other groups of dosed rats and in all groups of dosed mice were similar to those of the respective controls. No clinical findings or changes in absolute or relative organ weights in rats or mice were related to polysorbate 80 administration.

13-Week Studies
Groups of 10 rats and 10 mice of each sex received diets containing 0, 3,100, 6,200, 12,500, 25,000, or 50,000 ppm polysorbate 80. All animals survived to the end of the studies. The final mean body weights of dosed rats and mice were similar to those of the controls. No clinical findings, changes in absolute or relative organ weights, or gross or microscopic lesions in rats or mice were related to polysorbate 80 administration.

2-Year Studies
Doses for the 2-year studies were selected based on the lack of observed compound-related effects at the dose levels used in the 13-week studies. Groups of 60 rats and 60 mice of each sex received diets containing 0, 25,000, or 50,000 ppm polysorbate 80 for up to 103 weeks.

15-Month Interim Evaluations
Interim evaluations were performed on 7 to 10 rats and mice from each dose group at 15 months. There were no significant changes in absolute or relative organ weights. Incidences of hyperplasia and inflammation of the forestomach were increased in female mice that received 50,000 ppm. No other chemical-related lesions occurred in rats or male mice evaluated at 15 months.

Body Weights, Clinical Findings, and Survival in the 2-Year Studies
The mean body weights in male and female rats and male mice administered polysorbate 80 were similar to those of the controls throughout the studies. The final mean body weight of female mice receiving 50,000 ppm was 11%lower than that of the controls. No clinical findings were associated with administration of polysorbate 80. The survival of dosed male rats was lower than that of the controls (0 ppm, 29/50; 25,000 ppm, 18/50; 50,000 ppm, 18/50); the survival of dosed female rats and male and female mice was similar to that of the respective controls (female rats: 23/50, 25/50, 25/50; male mice: 33/49, 34/50, 32/50; female mice: 30/50, 28/50, 26/50).

Neoplasms and Nonneoplastic Lesions in the 2-Year Studies
The incidence of adrenal medulla pheochromocytoma was marginally increased in high-dose male rats (21/50, 19/50, 29/50). The incidence of hyperplasia of the adrenal medulla was increased in low-dose male rats but not in high-dose male rats (11/50, 22/50, 12/50).

No chemical-related increases in the incidences of neoplasms occurred in male or female mice. The incidences of squamous hyperplasia and inflammation of the forestomach were significantly increased in high-dose male and female mice; forestomach ulcers were significantly increased in high-dose females.

Genetic Toxicology
Polysorbate 80 was not mutagenic in Salmonella typhimurium strains TA100, TA1535, TA1537, and TA98 with or without exogenous metabolic activation (S9).

Under the conditions of these 2-year feed studies, there was equivocal evidence of carcinogenic activity for polysorbate 80 in male F344/N rats based on an increased incidence of pheochromocytomas of the adrenal medulla. There was no evidence of carcinogenic activity for polysorbate 80 in female F344/N rats or in male or female B6C3F1 mice given 25,000 or 50,000 ppm.

Administration of polysorbate 80 was associated with inflammation and squamous hyperplasia of the forestomach in male and female mice, and with ulcers of the forestomach in female mice.

Synonyms: Glycol; sorbitan mono-9-octadecenoate poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl) derivatives; polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono-oleate; sorethytan (20) mono-oleate; polyethylene oxide sorbitan mono-oleate

Trade names: Alkamuls PSMO-20; Armotan PMO-20; Capmul POE-O; Drewmulse POE-SMO; Emsorb 2722; Glycosperse O-20; Glycosperse O20 Veg; Glycosperse O20X; Hetsorb O20; Industrol O20S; Laxan ESO; Liposorb O-20; Lonzest SMO-20; Montanox 80; Nikkol TO-10;Protasorb O-20; Sorbitan mono-oleate polyoxyethylene; Sorlate; Tween 80; Monitan; Olothorb; Sorbimacrogol Oleate 300; T-Maz 80


Report Date: January 1992

Pathology Tables, Survival and Growth Curves from NTP 2-year Studies

Target Organs & Incidences from 2-year Studies

You may link to the full technical report in pdf format ( Note: A print ready copy of the document is presented in Portable Document Format (pdf) which requires the Acrobat Reader plug-in -- download a free copy of the reader.)


Return to Long Term AbstractsPS80 shown to be 7x more anabolic than TEST!!!
This is what Elaine Gottschall has to say about it.


"ps 80 is in no way more anabolic than test, let alone 7x!"

Polysorbate 80

Elaine writes:
Polysorbate 80 is called sorbitan monooleate and is an emulsifying agent and a chewing gum pasticizer. One research reported:
" A daily dose of 19.2 grams per kilogram of body weight for 2 days to a 4-month old baby caused no harm except loose stools."

That said, if it is in a supplement which you feel has been very helpful to your child, then continue using it. Actually, it is not legal but, again, if you want to continue because you feel it is helpful, continue. Hopefully, your child can soon decrease the supplements and then it will be gone.

Also from Elaine on prunes
You buy the prunes, cover them with water and cook until soft. Polysorbate 80 is in some dried prunes; others may not have it but do not worry about it; it is not one of the very bad emulsifiers.

Web site design by Iain MacMaster
Please report any errors or comments to Iain MacMaster

Information published on Breaking the Vicious Cycle Web site is intended to support the book Breaking the vicious cycle by Elaine Gottschall and is for information purposes only. It is not the intention of this site to diagnose, prescribe, or replace medical care. Your doctor or nutrition expert should be consulted before undertaking a radical change of diet.
© 2004 Breaking the Vicious Cycle
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Study of phase behavior of poly(ethylene glycol)-polysorbate 80 and poly(ethylene glycol)-polysorbate 80-water mixtures

View Full Text (Wiley InterScience user account required)

Ravindra W. Tejwani, Hemant N. Joshi, Sailesh A. Varia, Abu T. M. Serajuddin,

J. Pharm. Sci.

Vol. 89, No. 7, pages 946-950 (2000)
DOI: 10.1002/1520-6017(200007)89:7<946::AID-JPS12>3.0.CO%3B2-2


Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association

Mixtures of poly(ethylene glycols) (PEGs) with polysorbate 80 are often used to dissolve poorly water-soluble drugs in dosage forms, where polysorbate 80 helps either in enhancing dispersion or in inhibiting precipitation of drugs once the solution is mixed with water. Binary phase diagrams of polysorbate 80 with several low molecular weight PEGs and a ternary phase diagram of polysorbate 80 with PEG 400 and water are presented. Two phases were observed in the binary mixtures when the concentration of PEG 200, PEG 300, PEG 400, or PEG 600 was >55%(w/w). The miscibility of the binary mixtures increases with an increase in temperature; the upper consolute temperatures of PEG 200-polysorbate 80, PEG 300-polysorbate 80, PEG 400-polysorbate 80, and PEG 600-polysorbate 80 mixtures were 100, 85, 75, and 40 °C, respectively. The upper consolute temperature of PEG 1000-polysorbate 80 could not be determined because the melting temperature of the mixtures is ~40 °C and the consolute temperature appeared to be less than this temperature. The decrease in upper consolute temperature with an increase in PEG molecular weight indicated a greater miscibility of the two components. In the ternary system, phase separation of polysorbate 80 was observed when the concentration of PEG 400 was >50-60 % (w/w), possibly because of the high exclusion volume of PEG 400. © 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 89:946-950, 2000

American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists
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