cottage cheese ?

I have a hard time with it too....Think I am going to try to get used to just swallowing it though.....Can I eat this at night while dieting?
Cottage cheese, I read its not good for anyone trying to lean that it gives you more of a "round" look. I have no clue whether or not theres any truth in this.

Anyway, cottage cheese is great. Try putting cottage cheese slices on it. Dole makes a prepackaged fruit cup that you could also try (it has pineapple, cantelope, grapes maybe, looks pretty good).

You could also try v8 or tomato juice poured over the cottage cheese.

Salt isnt bad either
Are you guys buying the Fat free cottage cheese?

If not isnt the fat content a factor, or are the fats in cottage cheese consider the good fats?
for those of you that are having a hard problem finding natural cottage cheese. Y not buy natural milk at a health food store and make your own cottage cheese? yeah takes some time but hey.. make it the night before and your set for the next day and thats it. Cheaper and faster then running through all the stores searching for it.
Mudge said:

You need to add some fats, and each egg white being about 11 whole calories doesn't amount to diddly bro. If you dont add fats at lease some of the proteins get converted to ATP for energy use. Add in some yolks if nothing else, they are good for you anyway.
Yeah I usually throw a yoke or two in there or sometimes I hit a couple of spoonfulls of cottage cheese.
brennylee I just tried the Salsa and cottage cheese last night - that stuff is really good, it looks like road kill but tastes good enough that I can stomach the cottage cheese.