Could someone give my a quick breakdown on Carb Cycling?


New member
Could someone give my a quick breakdown/help on Carb Cycling?

Got the help I needed. thanks 3j
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you got the right idea.. now the problem is the context of what "low carb" and "medium carb" is...
That's where it seemed to get more complicated.. In terms of % of calories from p/c/f would something like this work?
High Carb Day 40/50/10
Med Carb Day 40/30/30
Low Carb Day 40/20/40

it actaully looks good...

now on to the next problem.. choosing the right foods at the right times!!! lol
Keep ur shakes to pwo and u should be g2g. Good whole foods choices!

The only time I'd really have a shake would be pwo and upon waking or on the run at work.. other than that I try my best to stick to whole foods. Thanks for the help!