Couple of quick questions about my cycle Test E + Anavar


New member
Good afternoon guys,

Age - 28
weight - 210 lbs
BF% 15%
Cycle History: 4 weeks into 2nd cycle (Test-E @ 500/week for 12 weeks)


Right now I am running my second cycle...I am 4 weeks in @ 500/week (pin 250 mon and thurs) I am running this for 12 weeks. I have Nolva on hand and clomid for PCT.

I am thinking about adding some Anavar to this cycle. But i need some help in structuring the implementation of it as a stack into this Test based cycle.

My goals are as follows:

This fall/winter (Oct, Nov, Dec) i plan on running the 500/wk of test E and possibly stacking some anavar as well. i have been putting on some nice strength with lean gains and actually have been burning some of the stubborn bf around my waist. So far I'm very happy with this Test-E only cycle. I was considering adding some anavar but I am not very well versed with the product. My "guy" and some other guys at the gym swear by it. (please don't flame, I'm genuinely asking here, and YES i am doing my own research as well) What are your thoughts?

Overall goal was to run this cycle up until end of december. Take January, February, March off and maintain...

April, May, June I was going to run another 12 week Test-E 500/wk cycle stacked with Clenbuterol, strict diet, and 45 min a day of cardio. This will be my "cutting cycle"

I am estimating by end of this cycle i will be about 235lbs @ 15% bf.

By July 1st 2016 my goal is to be a solid 215 lbs at 10-12%.

I'm coming to the forum to:
1) ask about your thoughts on adding anavar to my current cycle
2) ask about your thoughts on my mild proposed cutting cycle later this winter.

any help is appreciated.

I don't see why you shouldn't add anavar to this cycle. A lot of people say to stick with test for your first cycle but anavar is a pretty mellow oral. run some liver support sup such as NAC or TUDCA.
I would recommend finishing off your cycle with the var. the last 4-6 weeks run the var to add some extra lean mass and strength.

Second cycle: are you set on clen? I've ran albuterol and it was very clean energy and my heart didn't feel like it was going to burst. Its a much safer alternative but has to be dosed every 4-5 hours to be as effective. I'd do some research on albuterol before making up your mind on the clen.

good luck on both cycles whatever you may choose!
I don't see why you shouldn't add anavar to this cycle. A lot of people say to stick with test for your first cycle but anavar is a pretty mellow oral. run some liver support sup such as NAC or TUDCA.
I would recommend finishing off your cycle with the var. the last 4-6 weeks run the var to add some extra lean mass and strength.

Second cycle: are you set on clen? I've ran albuterol and it was very clean energy and my heart didn't feel like it was going to burst. Its a much safer alternative but has to be dosed every 4-5 hours to be as effective. I'd do some research on albuterol before making up your mind on the clen.

good luck on both cycles whatever you may choose!

Thanks for the quick reply man!

1) I'm definitely down for adding var for the last 6 weeks, Any dosing recommendations???

2) Coincidentally I've had asthma my entire life and have a prescription to albuterol....I need to do some research because I'd much rather use albuterol as I'm familiar and feel safer with it (I've literally used it my entire life!)

Were you using albuterol in liquid form? Or the inhalor mist form? I have prescription access to both......
You have a prescription for the liquid? I've never heard of that before. I was using research chem liquid. started at 2mg per dose 3 a day then after a few days went to 4mg 4 times a day and after about 2 weeks I was at 8mg 4 times a day. you can feel when your getting used to it cause your not as warm feeling and your not as "jittery" feeling. I ran it off cycle and all I took with it was 4g tuarine a day to keep cramps away and after 4 weeks I went from 18 to 14% BF, along with descent amounts of AM cardio and my usual 4 day lifting sessions I still felt energized all day.
ALSO, if running albuterol or clen make sure after the first week you include ketotofen or Benadryl to keep your receptors fresh so the buterol stays effective. 1mg a day keto before bed kept mine fresh the entire 4 weeks.

As for the Anavar most people run it at 40-80mg a day and the half life is about 8 hours so dosing it spread out is the best way.
I've seen a lot of people run dbol or adrol or some other mass builder as a kickstart then throwing in 4-6 weeks of a lean mass type oral like winny or var.
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You have a prescription for the liquid? I've never heard of that before. I was using research chem liquid. started at 2mg per dose 3 a day then after a few days went to 4mg 4 times a day and after about 2 weeks I was at 8mg 4 times a day. you can feel when your getting used to it cause your not as warm feeling and your not as "jittery" feeling. I ran it off cycle and all I took with it was 4g tuarine a day to keep cramps away and after 4 weeks I went from 18 to 14% BF, along with descent amounts of AM cardio and my usual 4 day lifting sessions I still felt energized all day.
ALSO, if running albuterol or clen make sure after the first week you include ketotofen or Benadryl to keep your receptors fresh so the buterol stays effective. 1mg a day keto before bed kept mine fresh the entire 4 weeks.

As for the Anavar most people run it at 40-80mg a day and the half life is about 8 hours so dosing it spread out is the best way.
I've seen a lot of people run dbol or adrol or some other mass builder as a kickstart then throwing in 4-6 weeks of a lean mass type oral like winny or var.

--try again with the pic upload----

I can get this stuff for what's called a "nebulizer" which is what I basically use when my asthma gets to be too much....
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Interesting. 2.5mg per 3ml and how many ml do you get with one prescription? You can get "research grade" albuterol for about $20-30 for 30ml of 5mg per ml.
BUT one thing is if you have asthma attacks frequently or still have chronic asthma problems albuterol might not be a good idea because it may desensitize you and your nebulizer may not work as well.
BUT im no doctor and am just speaking in theory and could be completely wrong. I however wouldn't tell someone with asthma who regularly takes an albuterol nebulizer to take a higher dosage of it orally as a means to burn unwanted body fat. So in that regard do some research and see if other people with asthma have been running alb? maybe another member around her can chime in with more details.
Interesting. 2.5mg per 3ml and how many ml do you get with one prescription? You can get "research grade" albuterol for about $20-30 for 30ml of 5mg per ml.
BUT one thing is if you have asthma attacks frequently or still have chronic asthma problems albuterol might not be a good idea because it may desensitize you and your nebulizer may not work as well.
BUT im no doctor and am just speaking in theory and could be completely wrong. I however wouldn't tell someone with asthma who regularly takes an albuterol nebulizer to take a higher dosage of it orally as a means to burn unwanted body fat. So in that regard do some research and see if other people with asthma have been running alb? maybe another member around her can chime in with more details.

Will do,

thanks again for the input...

One more question if you have the time...If i were to throw in the Var right away would it be a bad thing? I'd like to buy some and get started next week...So.....I'd use it the final 7 weeks or so of cycle
Honestly everyone says 4-6 weeks but there are people who run dbol year round with no issues. if I was going to run Var for 7 weeks I'd only do 20mg a day for the first week to see how I feel then up it to 30-50 if I don't think it's working really well.
I did literally the opposite with my dbol on my test cycle. I did 40-50 for 4 weeks then for 2 weeks I only took 20 and still on that 20 I was strong as hell and still putting on mass. I just didn't want to over stress my liver/kidneys on my first cycle. But I also was taking 1200mg NAC and the product called "liver care" every day.
Alright picked up (50) 50mg/capsule anavar from my guy today.

Since they are 50mg/per I plan on just opening the capsule and dumping half (25mg) in my mouth. Closing capsule back up. In about 8 hours taking the remaining dosage (approx 25mg). Then again at 8 hour mark take another 1/2 a capsule.

Puts me at 75mg per 24 hour period. Is this too much to start off with? I'm kind of screwed with dosing because they are capsules filled with powder....


Also bought my liver support. Will eat 2-3 of them per day