Good afternoon guys,
Age - 28
weight - 210 lbs
BF% 15%
Cycle History: 4 weeks into 2nd cycle (Test-E @ 500/week for 12 weeks)
Right now I am running my second cycle...I am 4 weeks in @ 500/week (pin 250 mon and thurs) I am running this for 12 weeks. I have Nolva on hand and clomid for PCT.
I am thinking about adding some Anavar to this cycle. But i need some help in structuring the implementation of it as a stack into this Test based cycle.
My goals are as follows:
This fall/winter (Oct, Nov, Dec) i plan on running the 500/wk of test E and possibly stacking some anavar as well. i have been putting on some nice strength with lean gains and actually have been burning some of the stubborn bf around my waist. So far I'm very happy with this Test-E only cycle. I was considering adding some anavar but I am not very well versed with the product. My "guy" and some other guys at the gym swear by it. (please don't flame, I'm genuinely asking here, and YES i am doing my own research as well) What are your thoughts?
Overall goal was to run this cycle up until end of december. Take January, February, March off and maintain...
April, May, June I was going to run another 12 week Test-E 500/wk cycle stacked with Clenbuterol, strict diet, and 45 min a day of cardio. This will be my "cutting cycle"
I am estimating by end of this cycle i will be about 235lbs @ 15% bf.
By July 1st 2016 my goal is to be a solid 215 lbs at 10-12%.
I'm coming to the forum to:
1) ask about your thoughts on adding anavar to my current cycle
2) ask about your thoughts on my mild proposed cutting cycle later this winter.
any help is appreciated.
Age - 28
weight - 210 lbs
BF% 15%
Cycle History: 4 weeks into 2nd cycle (Test-E @ 500/week for 12 weeks)
Right now I am running my second cycle...I am 4 weeks in @ 500/week (pin 250 mon and thurs) I am running this for 12 weeks. I have Nolva on hand and clomid for PCT.
I am thinking about adding some Anavar to this cycle. But i need some help in structuring the implementation of it as a stack into this Test based cycle.
My goals are as follows:
This fall/winter (Oct, Nov, Dec) i plan on running the 500/wk of test E and possibly stacking some anavar as well. i have been putting on some nice strength with lean gains and actually have been burning some of the stubborn bf around my waist. So far I'm very happy with this Test-E only cycle. I was considering adding some anavar but I am not very well versed with the product. My "guy" and some other guys at the gym swear by it. (please don't flame, I'm genuinely asking here, and YES i am doing my own research as well) What are your thoughts?
Overall goal was to run this cycle up until end of december. Take January, February, March off and maintain...
April, May, June I was going to run another 12 week Test-E 500/wk cycle stacked with Clenbuterol, strict diet, and 45 min a day of cardio. This will be my "cutting cycle"
I am estimating by end of this cycle i will be about 235lbs @ 15% bf.
By July 1st 2016 my goal is to be a solid 215 lbs at 10-12%.
I'm coming to the forum to:
1) ask about your thoughts on adding anavar to my current cycle
2) ask about your thoughts on my mild proposed cutting cycle later this winter.
any help is appreciated.